‘God is trans’ and other fanatical protest signs at the Moms for Liberty summit


Philadelphia protest signs at Moms for Liberty Summit
Philadelphia protest signs at Moms for Liberty Summit<br/> Christopher Tremoglie

‘God is trans’ and other fanatical protest signs at the Moms for Liberty summit

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Extreme left-wing hate groups organized in Philadelphia last week to intimidate and threaten Moms for Liberty at the organization’s annual summit. The Philadelphia Young Communist League, Communist Party USA, and ACT UP Philadelphia gathered to try to bully and terrorize a group of joyful warriors whose main objective is to protect their children from radical left-wing propaganda in classrooms. Their anger stemmed primarily from the mothers’ rejection of gender ideology and teachers secretly transitioning children in schools. This ire was reflected in many of their protest signs.

One of the more disturbing, yet revealing, protest signs read “God is trans.” It was a reflection on the absurd fanaticism and unhinged thinking of many, if not all, of the protesters in the group. Moreover, it’s indicative of how these extremists care about nothing except imposing their morality and beliefs on other people and trying to force them into compliance. God is trans? He most certainly is not, and the existence of such a ludicrous sign raises the question of what is wrong with these people and how in the world they have anyone supporting them.


Less than 200 yards from the building where the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were adopted, and about another 100 yards from the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the Revolutionary War, a street was vandalized with graffiti sprayed on a crosswalk that read “F*** off Nazi Moms!” It is abundantly clear that these are not serious people. They are rabid wannabe tyrants and totalitarians who want to threaten and intimidate anyone with opposing viewpoints and take away the rights of anyone who disagrees with them.

Another sign read, “Transition is Joyful!” That may or may not be true; however, transition between genders should be one’s personal choice. It is not something that should be forced upon others. And most importantly, transitioning is definitely not something that teachers should start on students without seeking permission or notifying parents.

Other signs included normal, well-thought-out messages of intellectualism such as “F*** you fascist,” “Philly is a trans city,” “I’m not a ‘regular’ mom, I’m a Pro: trans, queer, black, brown, Asian, choice Mom,” and “This group is the nastiest skank bitch I’ve ever met. Do not trust her.” It was like the island of misfit humans who gathered, danced, bullied, terrorized, and regurgitated baseless, unsubstantiated, and uneducated claims to denounce a group, Moms for Liberty, about which the protesters actually knew very little — as was demonstrated by conversations with the protesters who would deign to engage.

People wanting the Right to be LGBT and live their lives in the United States without fear, persecution, or discrimination is one thing. The people who were out protesting Moms for Liberty are a different thing entirely. They didn’t want acceptance; they wanted dominance. They did not want equality; they wanted priority, special treatment, and privileges. One cannot logically show up and see a sign that reads “God is trans” and have honest and objective people believe it is normal or an example of speech calling for equal rights. Such messaging and speech is disturbingly cultish.


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