It’s a mystery: Cocaine found in White House after Hunter Biden visit


Joe Biden and Hunter Biden at victory speech
President-elect Joe Biden, right, embraces his son Hunter Biden, left, Saturday, Nov. 7, 2020, in Wilmington, Del. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, Pool) Andrew Harnik/AP

It’s a mystery: Cocaine found in White House after Hunter Biden visit

Although nobody has confirmed whether Hunter Biden actually lives at the White House, the White House press pool confirmed that the first son was at the executive mansion on Friday when he decamped with the first lady to join President Joe Biden at Camp David for a second weekend in a row. While still away on Sunday, the Secret Service discovered cocaine in the White House, prompting a security scare and a heady whodunit.

Over on Twitter, Ari Fleischer, the White House press secretary under George W. Bush, laid out the options for us laymen.


“If it’s the Old Executive Office Building, it’s likely staff,” said Fleischer. “If it’s the mansion, it’s likely Hunter.”

While a spokesman for the Secret Service said that the cocaine was found in a “work area of the West Wing,” the dispatch call reporting the finding, which was posted online, clearly says that the substance was found in “the library,” which could have been on the ground floor, below the White House residence.

So, who did it? While Fleischer posited that staff could have brought the Schedule II narcotic, theoretically, a tourist could have brought cocaine, bypassing the security screening, which only occasionally includes Secret Service canines capable of detecting drugs. Loyal White House staff, often with high-level security clearances contingent on a past devoid of any illegal drug use, would have a lot more to lose than a tourist, who would still be in violation of multiple criminal statutes, including the Controlled Substances Act. That ground floor library is indeed included on White House tours, though there aren’t any tours on Sundays.

To be abundantly clear, there is zero material evidence to blame any single party. To his bewildered allies, the president has kept Hunter Biden in close quarters specifically because he wants to keep his son, who has famously dealt with crippling addictions to alcohol and crack, from falling off the wagon. It is fully possible that Hunter has maintained his sobriety, and the cocaine was brought by a staffer or a tourist.

If so, the story remains the more important one: Rather than “restore dignity” to the Oval Office, the elder Biden has brought nothing but chaos, and an oversight as glaring as a casual sprinkling of cocaine being permitted on the grounds of the nation’s highest office signals a crisis coming from the top.


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