Either you support Moms for Liberty, or you support the Young Communist League


PA: Moms for Liberty rally at State Capitol
Kathy Barnette, Republican U.S. Senate candidate, speaks at a Moms for Liberty rally at the state Capitol in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on October 9, 2021. (Photo by Paul Weaver/Sipa USA)(Sipa via AP Images) Paul Weaver/Sipa USA via AP

Either you support Moms for Liberty, or you support the Young Communist League

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Democrats, liberals, left-wingers, and now, even communists, have expressed how absolutely terrified they are of the group Moms for Liberty. Why? Because Moms for Liberty goes against the core tenets of the toxic contemporary left-wing used to propagandize children at schools throughout the country.

Moms for Liberty is an organization that wants schools to educate their kids, not indoctrinate them. They want to protect children from rogue schools facilitating gender transitions in students without consulting parents. Their presence represents a significant threat to the Left in the country’s culture war.


First, as is customary with the Left, the Moms were called racists and then white supremacists. It’s the typical pattern of insults the Left use in their attempts to discredit and silence opposition. Jemele Hill, former ESPN commentator, current contributing writer for the Atlantic, and noted racial agitator, tweeted that the group was linked to white supremacy. But nothing could be further from the truth, as Belinda Lawn, a mother from Maryland, explained.

“Parents of all colors care about the quality of their children’s education. I am a black mother who has voiced the exact same concerns about books and materials as white parents, Hispanic parents, and Asian parents,” Lawson said. “Advocating for your children is not racist.”

Advocating your children is not racist, but those on the Left would have you think it is. That’s the insult they use for anyone or anything that threatens their political agendas. At this point, it should not be taken seriously as it more resembles a kindergartener throwing a temper tantrum than a serious commentary on contemporary cultural issues in the country.

They’d also have you believe that groups of mothers throughout the country who don’t want their children’s brains poisoned with ideas that men can get pregnant or menstruate, humans can change genders whenever they want to, and it’s fair competition for men to compete as women in sports.

Yet, it raises the question, what kind of people would oppose a group of moms protecting their children from such things? And the answer, according to planned protests at the upcoming Moms for Liberty summit in Philadelphia, is communists. This isn’t hyperbole or aggressive, agenda-driven name-calling.

Supporters of the ideology that calls for suppressing civil liberties, squashing individual rights, and the violent overhaul of political systems, which led to over 100 million people murdered in the 20th century, are the ones that want to silence Moms for Liberty. It doesn’t take a genius here to figure out who are the good and bad guys.

However, if for some reason someone might still be confused, consider that the group behind demonizing mothers who want to protect their children from radical brainwashing in schools has, as a stated objective on their website, that they are dedicated to “revolutionary causes” to transform the United States “into a socialist society.”

The Communist Party USA, another group aiding in protesting the Moms for Liberty summit, has in its “constitution” that the group applies the “scientific outlook developed by Marx, Engels, Lenin, and others.”

As a lifelong resident of the Philadelphia area and a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, where one of my majors was Russian and East European studies, I find this very alarming. For those unfamiliar, the Lenin mentioned above refers to Vladimir Lenin, a Bolshevik dictator and the first despot of the Soviet Union. He was responsible for the Red Terror, which killed approximately 1.3 million people in an unimaginable wave of horror, brutality, and murder against political opponents and other dissenters in the Soviet Union between 1918 and 1922.

Moms for Liberty has been called every negative and inflammatory name in the book, from white supremacist to fascist to Nazi. Yet, not one thing has been said about the communists that oppose them. Moreover, not only have the communists not been denigrated the way Moms for Liberty has, but, based on this tweet, they have received assistance from Democrat Pennsylvania state senators for “amplifying” protest efforts.

The Philadelphia Young Communist League thanked “Senator Saval and others for amplifying our demand that to [Museum of the American Revolution] to rescind their invitation to hate group Moms for Liberty.”

But why aren’t the communist groups rightfully vilified for their beliefs? Everyone knows what the public outrage from politicians, pundits, and the legacy media would be if it were Republican state senators who were thanked by neo-nazis or fascist groups. But when groups idolize men responsible for murdering millions, no one says a thing. It’s one of the numerous reasons why no one should seriously consider any of the disparaging remarks against Moms for Liberty.

The Communist Party USA and the Philadelphia Young Communist League, which openly embrace genocidal maniacs responsible for killing millions of people, are the real hate groups. They are the ones with a history of intolerance and suppressing opposing viewpoints and are the true villains. They are the oppressors and tramplers of rights. They want to tear down the structures of the country, destroy the nuclear family, and silence all those who disagree with their vision.


“We live in America where freedom to speak and hold one’s own opinion is a value and a right. This is why we vote in this country, all sides get a say,” said Kelly Schenkoske, host of A Time to Stand and speaker at the Moms for Liberty Summit.The groups wishing to silence or intimidate those they disagree with, only do so in a manner opposed to freedom. In the spirit of Independence Day, as we will soon celebrate our freedom from a Monarchy, let’s resist these self-designated authoritarians who wish to silence those that they determine are unworthy of speaking (like a Monarchy themselves)…and let’s celebrate Moms for Liberty.”

The Moms are the liberators, freeing their children from the confines of the Left’s education cartel. They want to guard and protect their children, and rightfully so. They are the heroes of this culture war. You’re either Moms for Liberty or the communists – and that is not an exaggeration.

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