Latest whistleblower reports on Bidens are ultra explosive


Joe Biden, Hunter Biden
President Joe Biden, and his son Hunter Biden arrive at Fort McNair, Sunday, June 25, 2023, in Washington. The Biden’s are returning from Camp David. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) Andrew Harnik/AP

Latest whistleblower reports on Bidens are ultra explosive

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The latest whistleblower reports about the business dealings of the Biden family sound less like a mere whistle and more like a five-alarm fire bell.

Steadily, almost inexorably, the reports released late last week raise the likelihood that President Joe Biden was involved with his son Hunter’s obviously disreputable business dealings. Steadily, almost inexorably, it becomes more likely that elements of the Justice Department took unusual steps to protect both Bidens from legal accountability.


Denials from Attorney General Merrick Garland, who has blatantly politicized the Justice Department and greatly undermined public trust in the justice system, don’t sound credible. And the plea deal afforded Hunter Biden looks not just lenient but corrupt.

Let’s start by considering the plea deal on its own terms. Hunter Biden apparently will receive probation for two misdemeanor counts of failing to pay taxes, as if he were merely culpable for careless error or inordinate delays in payments. Yet if one of the new whistleblower reports is true — and so far, all of them seem quite credible — then the Biden son veered well beyond that level of “mistake.” Instead, if true, he likely committed the sort of willful, intentional tax fraud that should trigger tax felony counts.

Two heretofore believable whistleblowers say Hunter Biden claimed a sex club membership and multiple payments to prostitutes, including for expensive plane fares, as if they were legitimate business expenses. Clearly, these could not possibly be the result of a confused interpretation of IRS regulations. Nobody within even light-years of reason could read tax laws as permitting the expensing of hookers. The repeated attempts to take tax write-offs for illegal sexcapades can only be intentional dodges of paying money due to the Treasury.

That is not the sort of behavior, especially combined with all of Hunter Biden’s other transgressions, that merits the leniency of a mere probationary sentence.

The tax avoidance, though, is only a firecracker compared to the large mass of dynamite contained in the other whistleblower accounts, this time backed up with significant hard evidence. Even the New York Times stopped averting its eyes from this one. On the same July day in 2017 in which photos prove Hunter Biden was at his father’s house and driving the now-president’s Corvette, the son sent text messages to a Chinese businessman, and suspected Chinese Communist Party official, claiming Joe Biden was physically at his side and threatening bad repercussions if the businessman didn’t soon call back and “fulfill” a business “commitment.”

The whistleblowers said their efforts to get a subpoena for a search of Joe Biden’s guesthouse were blocked by Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf, as were other lines of questioning, and that two other U.S. attorneys quashed requests by Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss to bring federal charges against Hunter Biden.

Hunter Biden’s own assertions that his father was involved in his business deals have been repeatedly denied by his father and his father’s spokesmen. Considering the son’s obvious influence-peddling — whether legal or not is an open question — with foreign agents of hostile powers, the question of Joe Biden’s involvement is important. Yet despite the denials, the evidence keeps mounting that the elder Biden may have been a silent partner.


At least two of Hunter Biden’s onetime business partners have said Joe Biden met with business partners in the context of multimillion-dollar deals with a Chinese energy conglomerate linked to Chinese military intelligence. Hunter Biden requested a key specifically for his father at his business offices. A message from a foreign business partner thanked Hunter Biden for introductions to Joe Biden. At least three different people referred to Joe Biden as the “big guy” in the context of Hunter Biden’s business deals. Joe Biden met at least 14 times with various of Hunter Biden’s business associates while vice president, and the vice president’s aides met and emailed with such associates numerous other times, even as some diplomats were warning that Hunter Biden’s business dealings appeared to compromise Joe Biden’s own diplomatic responsibilities.

The president’s comments on his son’s activities have been consistent: “My son did nothing wrong.” We know for a fact that Joe Biden is wrong. The question is not whether Hunter Biden did anything wrong. The question is: How complicit was the “Big Guy?”

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