The abortion lobby supports the abortion president’s persecution of pro-lifers


Mark Houck and family.jpg
Anti-abortion activist Mark Houck and his family. (Thomas More Society)

The abortion lobby supports the abortion president’s persecution of pro-lifers

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Joe Biden and Kamala Harris earned the heartfelt endorsement of the abortion lobby not by being a pro-choice president and vice president but by staking out extremist positions on abortion and using the power of the executive to persecute opponents.

The Washington Examiner’s Cami Mondeaux reports: “EMILY’s List, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and Planned Parenthood Action Fund each offered endorsements on Friday morning, hailing the Biden administration for its policies on abortion rights and efforts to protect access to abortion. The groups painted the pair’s reelection as crucial to the country’s future of healthcare and to ‘push anti-abortion extremists out of office.’”


It’s worth recounting what Biden and Harris have said and done on abortion to earn this endorsement because opposing anti-abortion extremists is not an accurate description.

For starters, the Biden White House refuses ever to acknowledge a single circumstance in which they believe an unborn child deserves the protection of the law.

Most importantly, the Biden administration has weaponized the Justice Department in order to persecute pro-lifers.

In 2022, Biden’s DOJ created a special pro-abortion task force the purpose of which seems to have been fishing for pro-life activists they can arrest.

A few months later, the FBI raided the home of pro-life activist Mark Houck and arrested him in front of his family. This was an obvious abuse of power because Houck was a public figure, nobody ever tried to establish he was dangerous or a flight risk, and the Biden DOJ never gave him the opportunity to surrender voluntarily.

Why did it arrest Houck? Well, Houck had shoved a Planned Parenthood activist named Bruce Love kind of near an abortion clinic. Why did Houck shove him? My colleague Kaylee McGhee White explained it well:

“Love pursued him and his son down the sidewalk, the footage shows. Houck testified in court that Love had been inappropriately taunting his 12-year-old son, saying, ‘Your dad is a bad person,’ and ‘Your dad is hurting women.’ At one point, Love allegedly looked at Houck and said, ‘Why don’t you go home and masturbate? Go be with your pedophile priests.’”

Love pressed charges, and local prosecutors in Philadelphia dropped the case because it was obviously a bad case — Love was the bad guy, and Houck’s actions were totally defensible. A year later, the Biden DOJ dredged up this case and sided with the abortion activist who harasses 12-year-olds in sexually explicit and bigoted ways. The charge: Houck had violated the federal FACE Act, which is supposed to make sure protesters don’t block access to abortion clinics.

Houck, of course, was acquitted in federal court, but the Biden DOJ had successfully made Houck’s life miserable for a few months


That’s the sort of zealotry in defense of abortion that earns Biden and Harris the endorsement of Planned Parenthood.

Last October, the DOJ also arrested 11 pro-lifers, including an 87-year-old lady, for their actions during a protest 18 months earlier.

This was exactly what Harris had promised. While running for president, Harris had a standard line to show how she would be more zealous on abortion than other Democrats: “I’m a former prosecutor.” Sure enough, she joined in the persecution of pro-life filmmaker David Daleiden.

She said she would sic the DOJ on extremists and then made it clear that she saw all pro-lifers as extremists.

The abortion lobby isn’t merely asking for abortion to be legal and subsidized. It wants its political opponents persecuted. Biden and Harris are doing its bidding.


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