California continues U-turn on sanctuary state promise


California Veteran Housing
California Gov. Gavin Newsom, center, and his wife, first partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom, right, tour the campus of the Veterans Affairs of Greater Los Angeles, Friday, May 26, 2023, in Los Angeles . (AP Photo/Ashley Landis, Pool)

California continues U-turn on sanctuary state promise

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Joining Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) and Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg with their earlier criticism of Florida sending illegal immigrants to the sanctuary state, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass has now criticized Texas for similar efforts by terming the move “abhorrent.”

This comes at a time when Newsom is being grilled in interviews about his state’s failing policies and its mass exodus problem. According to the state’s Department of Finance, California has lost 117,552 people between Jan. 1, 2021, and Jan. 1, 2022, bringing its population back to where it was in 2016. But failing policies can be blamed any day. What is another key ignored topic in the state is the Democrats‘ U-turn on promises made not only during election cycles and campaigns but also year-round.


However, these promises have translated into legislative theatrics. Just this month, the Los Angeles City Council advanced a motion to declare the city a “sanctuary” city, prohibiting “city resources, property, or personnel from being utilized for any federal immigration enforcement, and related matters.” But the risk of making big promises that are dangerous for the country is now out in the open. Their newly adopted rhetoric against California’s touting of itself as a “sanctuary state” goes against everything the state’s Democrats have stood for so far.

It is now clear that California Democrats don’t want to deliver on the supposed “promises” they have continued to make. This is a dangerous game. To promise something that caters to the party’s agenda and then go against it when it’s time to confront the matter only normalizes problems such as illegal immigration, which pose as grave threats to this country. It seems that Democratic officials themselves do not agree with their party on issues they talk about so confidently.

This is not surprising at all. As a party, the Democrats do not believe in challenging orders that come from their overlords. For instance, the Democratic National Committee will not be holding primary debates that would give Democratic presidential candidate hopefuls a chance to challenge a widely unpopular president from their party. Whatever it may be, the ball is now in Newsom’s court. Will he finally clarify his stance on illegal immigration? Or will he continue to confuse the nation about his state’s policies with respect to California being a “sanctuary state”?

Although most people know what the right choice would be, to expect Newsom to make the right decision in this regard would be wishful thinking. The underlying cause here is the fact that the Democrats only care about self-interest. They make big promises without considering the consequences of their words.

Border states are overwhelmed with illegal immigrants who arrive hoping to find a new home in sanctuary states. When these overburdened border states send immigrants to such sanctuary jurisdictions, they are criticized for engaging in what the Democrats call “political stunts.” In doing so, the Democrats fail to take accountability for the fact that they invited illegal immigration into the country. The fact is, the Democrats are in no place to argue that GOP states are at fault. This is a crisis created entirely by the Democrats.

The solution to this is simple. Democrats must acknowledge and accept their mistakes on immigration policy and impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas — all of this while revising their immigration policies to be more in line with GOP-led solutions. As long as the Democrats continuously resort to blame-shifting, there will simply be no end to the crisis. And America will continue to suffer.


Max Mallhi is a summer 2023 Washington Examiner fellow.

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