New data show that everything about Stacey Abrams’s political ‘success’ is a myth


Stacey Abrams
Stacey Abrams, the Democratic nominee for governor of Georgia, speaks during an election night watch party in Atlanta, Georgia, on Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018. (Kevin D. Liles/Bloomberg)

New data show that everything about Stacey Abrams’s political ‘success’ is a myth

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Georgia’s voter registration numbers put to bed both the myths about the state being a bastion of “voter suppression” and about Stacey Abrams being some political force worthy of praise for her political talents.

A new study from the nonpartisan Center for Election Innovation and Research indicates that Georgia’s automatic voter registration system is responsible for the rise in registration numbers since 2016. The program modernized the registration process and made it more convenient and efficient while keeping voter information updated, and it saw Georgia’s registration numbers jump from 78% in 2016 to 88% in 2018 and 98% in 2020.


Georgia’s registration numbers have often been attributed by Democrats to Abrams, who they claimed was running a voter registration movement that helped push President Joe Biden to victory in 2020. That claim was made in part because Abrams’s own results have been lackluster, losing by 55,000 votes in 2018 and 300,000 votes in 2022, and the gushing coverage of her wouldn’t be justified without some sort of victory.

But Abrams’ registration drive was at best a wash; the Center “singled out” Georgia “for its bipartisan approach to registration.”

On top of that, the rising registration numbers are yet another nail in the coffin of the voter suppression myth that was being pushed by Abrams after her loss, as well as other Democrats, including Biden. According to the myth, Georgia was somehow “suppressing” votes while increasing voter registration by ten points in two different election cycles. The numbers dipped to 92% in 2022, but that is considered a normal decline, since it wasn’t a presidential election cycle.

Of course, we already knew the suppression claims were a joke because Abrams could provide no evidence of suppression in her lawsuits, and because Georgia saw record turnout in each of her losses. At best, Abrams is a mediocre political talent who fell short in a Democratic wave year and whined about cheating ever since without ever being able to prove it.


There will be no reckoning among Democrats or their establishment media allies over this, though. Abrams is an election denier who gets celebrity treatment from outlets such as CNN, while Democrats still don’t have to answer for their absurd claims that the 2018 election was stolen from her.

The numbers show that the narratives around her were always a myth, and Democrats and establishment journalists shouldn’t be allowed to forget it.

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