The ACLU wants schools to hide children’s mental health issues from parents


American Civil Liberties Union. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)

The ACLU wants schools to hide children’s mental health issues from parents

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The American Civil Liberties Union wants school administrators to cut parents completely out of the mental health struggles of their own children, just in case those administrators need to secretly transition them.

The ACLU of Ohio is fighting against an Ohio bill that the left-wing organization has labeled the “Unsafe Students Act.” The bill is a clarification of parental rights in education, which includes requiring that school districts “Ensure that any sexuality content is age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate” and that they disclose to parents “any instructional material that includes sexuality content.”


The ACLU’s big objection, though, is to a different provision, namely that school districts would be required to “Notify a student’s parent of any change in the student’s services, including counseling services, or monitoring related to the student’s mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being or the school’s ability to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for the student.”

Yes, the ACLU wants parents to be left in the dark about their own child’s mental, emotional, and physical health and well-being. If your child is hurting physically, mentally, or emotionally, the ACLU wants you to know nothing about it.

Of course, this stems from the ACLU’s obsession with pushing children into permanent sex changes. The ACLU and other liberal activist groups want parents not to know if schools are secretly transitioning their children because they have convinced themselves that parents are violent “transphobes” who would abuse their children if they found out.

The ACLU thinks that the default response of the school should be to hide information from parents about their own children. This approach results, it appears, because of a demented stereotype of parents that the ACLU and other activists have crafted in their heads.


Much like the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ACLU acts as if it simply hates parents. It wants parents to be less involved in their children’s lives and to be uninvolved in their mental health struggles or other issues that affect their well-being.

The ACLU’s message is that woke school bureaucrats know best, and parents should know nothing. It is a sinister message from any organization, let alone one that claims to care about civil rights.

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