Big Brother wants your children


Joe Biden
Former Vice President Joe Biden. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

Big Brother wants your children

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The White House tweeted a video on Monday with the message: “These are our kids, our neighbors, not somebody else’s kids. They’re all our kids.”

The video featured an ominous camera pan of the White House covered in dim rainbow lighting behind captions that visualized a monotone message from President Joe Biden: “Our children are the kite strings that hold our national ambitions aloft.”


What an apt comparison. Strings do not move on their own. Someone has to pull them, and the White House is clearly vying for that role.

Biden’s suggestion is evocative of Socrates’s ideal society. Make everything communal, including children. Destroy the family. The principle rings familiar.

Plato’s Republic should be kept separate from our republic. Unfortunately for the White House, America’s system is essentially pro-family and depends on hardworking parents. It is a free and pluralistic state.

So, with America’s nature in mind, doesn’t Biden’s message seem to undermine it a little?

Lately, our nation has seen a progressing movement toward the removal of parental power over children. Although the video released Monday seems dystopian, it reflects a real crisis.

The opinion of the radical left, especially those without children, is that children are totally autonomous. Children should be able to make every decision for themselves, despite the biological evidence that their brains do not fully develop until they are adults and the common knowledge that children often make choices on a whim. When they’re 5, they want to go to Charlie’s Chocolate Factory and eat the entire Chocolate Room. When they’re 15, they’re emo.

This idea that children are autonomous is why some states are so keen on defending minors’ access to gender reassignment surgeries against the wills of their parents. Maine’s bill would give access to out-of-state children seeking “care” and would legally protect doctors who execute surgeries. The bill also considers any parental resistance “abuse” and would hide children from their parents. Parents are expected to surrender their authority completely over a life-altering decision that would hurt their children forever.

New York parents face a similar situation. On June 10, New York’s new bill passed the state Senate and the state House of Representatives.

Likewise, parents everywhere are protesting the new LGBT curricula in their children’ public schools. Their voices are not being heard. They are being dismissed as homophobic and exclusive.

Biden’s message is intended to promote inclusion. And what is ultimate inclusion? It is a state in which everything is everyone’s, where no possessions are your own. Ultimate inclusion is ultimate exclusion. Politicians everywhere are weaponizing it. Don’t trust it, and protect your children. They don’t belong to the state. They belong to you.


Briana Oser is a summer 2023 Washington Examiner fellow.

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