White House shocked that trans activist acts like trans activist at Pride event


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The White House stands illuminated in rainbow colored light at dusk in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Friday, June 26, 2015 in support of gay marriage. (Bloomberg/Drew Angerer) Drew Angerer

White House shocked that trans activist acts like trans activist at Pride event

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The White House released a statement on Tuesday banning transgender activist Rose Montoya, who shook his prosthetic breasts for a video during President Joe Biden’s Pride event on Saturday.

A White House official said his behavior was “inappropriate and disrespectful for any event at the White House” and that it was “not reflective of the event we hosted to celebrate LGBTQI+ families or the other hundreds of guests who were in attendance.”


When he received backlash from the incident, Montoya protested in an Instagram video that “going topless in Washington is legal.”

Washington’s law of indecent exposure, however, states that someone is guilty if “he or she intentionally makes any open and obscene exposure of his or her person or the person of another knowing that such conduct is likely to cause reasonable affront or alarm.”

Unfortunately, extreme members of the LGBT crowd have a tendency toward “obscene behavior.” Recent examples of obscene behavior include gay men in BDSM outfits during “family-friendly” Pride parades, some of them “acting out” sexual scenes.

If there are children present … cover up. If you were invited to the White House for an event hosted by the president of the United States (no matter how silly it is), the same principle. (Plus, children were present.)

You have to ask why the White House invited him in the first place and why he wasn’t grabbed by security the moment he took his shirt off. In his speech at the Pride event, Biden called the LGBT community “some of the bravest and most inspiring people I’ve ever known.” Maybe Biden was too scared to kick out such an inspirational force. It was so brave of Montoya to wiggle his fake boobs for the sake of our nation.

The truth about Montoya is that he is a privileged, wealthy American model. He and the other narcissists present at the White House’s Pride event are the voices of the transgender movement. There is nothing brave or inspiring about degeneracy. No real (and sane) woman would put on a show like that at an event that is supposed to represent our nation.

Montoya, like drag queens, is a caricature of women. He must wear as much makeup as possible and pose in sexual clothing to “feel like a woman.” His behavior on Saturday screams “Look at me! Look at me! I am a woman, see! I’ll show you!”

Montoya’s Instagram comments are filled with LGBT people complaining that his display was a bad look for their community. A top comment reads, “As a trans woman myself your action didn’t bring any positive light to our movement. Want to be a lady, act like one.” Another comment, from a transgender “father,” supports Montoya’s motives to “free the nipple” but also pleads that Montoya be aware of his actions for the sake of the “trans community.”

In other words, nobody likes a narcissist. And the White House’s motives are questionable. At this point, we’re either making fools of ourselves or giving full permission for somebody else to do the job for us.


Briana Oser is a summer 2023 Washington Examiner fellow.

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