California Democrats want to redefine infertility to include homosexuality


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California Democrats want to redefine infertility to include homosexuality

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The California state Senate recently passed a bill that will require insurance companies to cover in vitro fertilization for same-sex couples, sending it to the state House.

The bill, S.B. 729, accomplishes this by classifying gay and lesbian couples’ inability to reproduce as “infertility.” This “will ensure that queer couples no longer have to pay more out of pocket to start families than non-queer families,” according to its author, state Sen. Caroline Menjivar.


Menjivar touted the legislation as “critical to achieving full-lived equality for LGBTQ+ people.”

Straight couples who try and fail to conceive are considered infertile under the commonly accepted medical definition of the term. Gay people, on the other hand, simply choose relationships that cannot possibly yield that result. This legislation does not expand “healthcare” for any medical problem that gay people face. It just rewards them for their sexual preferences.

And it’s quite an expensive award. One IVF cycle costs an average of $12,000 in California. The legislature estimates that the mandatory coverage, partially funded by taxpayers, would raise premiums by 72 cents per member per month.

For a culture that has already redefined marriage and the family, the denial of reality necessary to redefine fertility isn’t very hard. But in their attempt to legislate reality out of existence, California Democrats actually reveal it more plainly than ever.

The union of a man and a woman independently creates life. It doesn’t cost anything. A mother then carries and nurses her child, as her body is naturally equipped to do, while her husband provides for her during the process.

Same-sex couples attempting to create a family must purchase children through the surrogacy process. Embryos that fail to implant in the surrogate’s uterus are either destroyed or kept frozen in hospitals, each one a genetically distinct human being. Those who see the light of day are then purposefully taken from their biological mothers or fathers.

Gay men who wish to feed milk to their surrogate child must continue borrowing the surrogate mother’s body or find another source.

We constantly hear from the LGBT movement that same-sex lifestyles don’t affect anyone else’s life and that all we must do is “live and let live.” But it turns out that “equality” requires taking from the rest of society to compensate for the fact that a same-sex union doesn’t do what a male-female union does. The traditional family unit gives and accommodates, while same-sex parenting must be accommodated on so many levels.

The strength, undeniable design, and net-positive effect of the nuclear family is why it has been considered the basic unit of society for much of human civilization. It’s also why governments, through various programs or benefits, often elevate the marriage of a man and a woman to a special status above any other human relationship.

Liberalism’s chaotic design for society, focused on enabling every person’s sexual autonomy, is not sustainable.


Hudson Crozier is a summer 2023 Washington Examiner fellow.

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