Biden DOJ shatters the Hillary precedent because it believes its boss cannot beat Trump


Clinton, Trump, Biden

Biden DOJ shatters the Hillary precedent because it believes its boss cannot beat Trump

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For Democrats hoping to best former President Donald Trump by brute force rather than at the ballot box, perhaps the second indictment is the charm. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s norm-shattering indictment of the former president turned out to be more of a bust than a silver bullet, with even lefty legal critics such as Ian Millhiser admitting that Bragg’s attempt to turn a hush money payout to a porn star into a felony charge of falsifying business records was “dubious” at best. Now, the Justice Department is taking a second bite at the Trump apple, indicting the GOP front-runner on seven counts related to alleged mishandling and possession of classified documents.

In other words, President Joe Biden’s DOJ is attempting to take out the man most likely to face the incumbent president on the debate stage by defying the precedent Biden’s former boss set by letting Hillary Clinton walk from the law and toward the Democratic nomination in 2016, scot-free. Just like Harry Reid nuking the judicial filibuster, Democrats are confident that Biden’s DOJ ripping open Pandora’s box will never backfire on them or their friends.


The grand irony of all of this is that Biden has already beaten Trump in the only way that is legitimate. The Obama-Biden FBI ginning up the Russia collusion hoax failed. Impeachment No. 1 failed, and even the much more valid impeachment No. 2 after Trump’s disgraceful attempts to steal the 2020 election failed. The only way to stop Trump is not through political trickery or a supposed legal panacea but through popular opposition. Biden did it once by winning the Electoral College fair and square, but evidently, the Deep State, which we already know tries to rig elections, as evidenced by Crossfire Hurricane, does not have faith that its boss, enmeshed in legal disasters of his own thanks to the prodigal son Hunter, can win reelection.

While we surely will get into the minutiae of charges shortly, it is important to remember that unlike former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Trump had the legitimate and undisputed power to declassify documents when he was president. Whether he properly did so for the documents in question is another matter — but such a minor one in the scope of public consciousness that it’s hard to see how this doesn’t trigger reflexive support for Trump among the GOP rather than disgust.


Which very well may be the point. Perhaps the Deep State knows that Biden cannot beat Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley or Tim Scott or Mike Pence, and rather than let the people pick the nominee, why not drive out everything but Trump from the news cycle in the hopes that one of the left-wing legal movement’s indictments actually stick, rendering the eventual Republican presidential nominee hamstrung from the start?

The only good news for Republicans here is that there will be no norms left to defile when the tables are turned. Rightly or wrongly, vengeance will be sweet, and the public will unabashedly support the eventual dismantling and destruction of whatever really constitutes the “Deep State.”

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