UPenn forced college-age women to feel uncomfortable, unheard, and unsafe


Paula Scanlan and Lia Thomas

UPenn forced college-age women to feel uncomfortable, unheard, and unsafe

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Former University of Pennsylvania student and swimmer Paula Scanlan came out publicly this week as one of the swimmers who previously spoke anonymously about Lia Thomas and what the female swim team endured during the 2021-2022 season. As a former Penn student who sat next to Lia, then William, Thomas in a class, and the one who first reported on it in December 2021, Scanlan’s comments echoed the sentiments of my source at the time. It’s a scathing indictment of how the university forced college-age women to feel uncomfortable, unheard, and unsafe.

“We had a team meeting led by the leader of the men’s team in 2019 about how Will Thomas would be joining the women’s team,” Scanlan said in an interview with Matt Walsh. “They also told us Lia swimming with us is nonnegotiable and provided us with counseling services to ‘help us be OK’ with it.”


I first reported about Penn forcing Thomas on the female swimmers and offering services to “help” any females accept Thomas on the team. Scanlan’s admission further debunks previous reports and statements that the women’s swim team fully supported Thomas. It was never true, and it was merely the work of propaganda from what Scanlan described as a totalitarianlike campaign from the university to force compliance among college-age women.

The University of Pennsylvania championed itself as a beacon of freedom, acceptance, and a universal safe space for all its students. We can now see that all that was a facade. Young women were forced to feel afraid, go against their will, and coerced into enduring problematic and uncomfortable situations, such as changing in a locker room in front of a man in his early 20s while reportedly being exposed to male genitalia.

There was never any full support from the women’s swim team. The only thing that seemed unanimous was the fear of the university’s tyranny that caused young women to feel unsafe, uncomfortable, and unheard. Under the guise of tolerance, acceptance, and diversity, the Ivy League institution created an atmosphere of fear and suppression to advance the school’s morality and beliefs on women, some barely old enough to vote.


Like every other culturally left-wing institution, acceptance and tolerance only apply if one subscribes to the Left’s ideologies — in this instance, highly radical ideologies. The adults supposed to protect college-age women left them vulnerable and didn’t care about them feeling safe. All they cared about was imposing extremist political culturalism to advance an agenda.

It would be wise to remember this deception the next time such people talk about safe spaces and tolerance. The only people they care about protecting are those who think exactly as they do.

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