Mississippi veterans cemetery replaces American flag with gay pride flag


pride flag, American flag
An abstract concept image showing an American Flag and LGBT rainbow flag on side by side flag poles at full mast waving in the wind. There is a blue sky and a few clouds in this isolated image (Grandbrothers/Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Mississippi veterans cemetery replaces American flag with gay pride flag

The Biloxi National Cemetery in Mississippi, a graveyard for war veterans, has raised a gay pride flag to fly among the American flags at the entrance to the cemetery.

The decision was made possible by Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough’s authorization for all VA facilities to raise the LGBT flag in 2022.


WLOX News, Biloxi’s local news outlet, interviewed a spokesman for the Biloxi VA about the gesture. He stated that the flag is just a “symbol of inclusion” that indicates to veterans, “If you wore the uniform, the VA is here for you.”

We really shouldn’t have to ask this question, but it seems necessary to go back to the basics: Why should an American veterans’ cemetery fly American flags?

Our veterans fought and died for the United States. Flying the American flag in cemeteries symbolizes that our country acknowledges their sacrifices. These brave soldiers defended and honored the United States until their last breath, so we raise the flag to honor them. The flag is also an extension of gratitude to veterans’ families.

A question we might ask ourselves before replacing an American flag with an ideological symbol is this: What did these men and women die for? Certainly not for the anti-American movement the LGBT pride flag now stands for. Not even for gay rights. The noble veterans buried in the Biloxi National Cemetery, despite differences in race, sexuality, and age, were united by a common mission: to protect our country.

Mississippi resident Carl Boynton put it well in his Facebook response to the decision: “Taking down American flags and replacing them with pride flags is a disgrace. All people are represented by the Stars and Stripes. Black, white, latino, gay, straight, Christian, Jewish or Muslim are all represented under the US Flag.”

Progressives won’t come near the real definition of sacrifice. They will do everything they can to get what they want, even at the expense of children. They fly LGBT flags inside children’s classrooms. They will have their children undergo irreversible surgery so everyone knows they’re inclusive. You must give them what they want, or you’re a bigot.


It is this pattern that reveals the VA’s real intention: virtue signaling. A graveyard of heroes is no place for mockery. These men and women did their duty. It’s the least we can do to let them rest in peace.

Briana Oser is a summer 2023 Washington Examiner fellow.

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