The Left cannot comprehend accountability


Texas Capitol
In this Jan. 14, 2019 file photo, a large Texas flag hangs from the Texas State Capitol as workers prepare the grounds for inauguration ceremonies in Austin, Texas. (Eric Gay/AP)

The Left cannot comprehend accountability

The past few weeks in Texas have shown our country how a responsible, sensible, and accountable state runs its business. Whether that means impeaching a state official belonging to the party in power or holding comprehensive political discourse about property tax relief, Republicans in Texas are a great example of how political decisions should really be made.

However, Democrats and left-wing media have chosen to take this opportunity to criticize sincere politicians who are trying to govern with integrity. They place this under the banner of “infighting,” and the Democrats sure have a reputation for theatrics when they have no solutions to bring to the table.


The Texas House unanimously voted to expel state Rep. Bryan Slaton just last month following an investigation into his involvement in inappropriate sexual behavior with an intern. Attorney General Ken Paxton was suspended in late May with a well-over super-majority vote of 121-23 in the Texas House, referring the matter to the Senate, where it is headed for an impeachment trial.

Since 1994, every statewide office in Texas has been in the hands of the GOP. While Slaton was the first House member to be expelled in almost a century, Paxton is the third official to be impeached in Texas history. This clearly shows the degree of the clean image Texas Republicans have maintained all this time.

But it also indicates Republican accountability.

Both expelled officials are members of the ruling party in the state, and a long period of time absent of such investigations, expulsions, and impeachments of members from the party in control would indicate that the Texas GOP is hiding scandals from the public.

That is not the case, which implies that Republicans in Texas are there to conduct business and will not shy away from punishing those who disrupt its regular flow. Nor will they let anyone in government tarnish the image of the political processes that are meant to benefit the people. The Texas GOP is committed to transparency.

At the moment, Texas Republicans are engaging in a heated debate around property tax cuts. While legacy media took no time to pounce on this opportunity, deeming it a “showdown,” the governor, House speaker, and lieutenant governor are simply trying to prevent the stalemate from continuing any further. While Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick invited Gov. Greg Abbott for a debate to talk it out and come up with a transparent solution, liberals cannot comprehend what it means to have a political discourse over a matter that needs urgent attention.

Why would they? Democrats neither believe in discourse nor accountability. Americans have seen many examples of that just in the past year, with President Joe Biden’s unilateral student debt relief decision and Hunter Biden’s looming scandals.

The Texas government maintains its character by busily working to come up with solutions that will not compromise the welfare of Texans. Meanwhile, the Democrats love tyranny, filling their own pockets, and not holding officials accountable for their failures, causing widespread American suffering.


This is a clear example of the difference between left-wing and right-wing governance, and Americans are watching. Voters in 2024 will surely give the Democrats a befitting reply.

Max Mallhi is a summer 2023 Washington Examiner fellow.

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