California’s disregard for fire prevention is making the insurance market worse


101317 cohen ice california fire pic
ICE said that because of the devastation the fires are bringing to California, the agency will "suspend routine immigration enforcement operations in the areas affected" at places such as shelters and evacuation sites. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

California’s disregard for fire prevention is making the insurance market worse

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California’s periodic wildfires have grown so regular and so damaging that one of the biggest home and car insurance companies will no longer sell new home policies due to the risk and rising construction costs.

State Farm has pulled itself off the table for people looking for new home insurance policies in California, citing “historic increases in construction costs outpacing inflation, rapidly growing catastrophe exposure, and a challenging reinsurance market.” State Farm will also no longer offer new business policies but will still be selling car insurance policies for Californians.


It is yet another example of California’s self-inflicted climate woes having consequences for residents. Climate-blinded bureaucracy has prevented controlled burns that would help ensure that dry brush doesn’t build up for massive fires. California Democrats and federal officials, including President Joe Biden, have rejected a focus on fire prevention and forest management, waving away fires as the inevitable result of climate change.

In other words, it is now in the political interest of Democrats at the state and federal levels to ignore effective fire prevention strategies in order to push people into getting rid of gas stoves, plastic straws, and gas-powered cars. That irresponsible hysteria in pursuit of an economic agenda dressed up as a climate agenda has harmed Californians the most, first through the fires themselves and then through the economic consequences that follow the destruction.


That now includes State Farm exiting the new home and business insurance markets in California. The unwillingness to take the boring but effective path of fire prevention, coupled with California’s already high prices meeting the effects of inflation, has left California residents with one less option on the insurance market. Who is to say whether other companies follow suit?

This isn’t the first self-inflicted environmental problem California has faced, given its repeated man-made droughts. But it is further proof that California Democrats are either unable or unwilling to be responsible stewards of the state. California residents take a back seat to the absurd demands of environmental groups, and Californians, as usual, continue to pay the (higher) price.

© 2023 Washington Examiner

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