Democrats: Aren’t you embarrassed by Fetterman’s shorts and hoodie?


John Fetterman speaks at a rally Oct. 26, 2022. Graeme Jennings/Washington Examiner

Democrats: Aren’t you embarrassed by Fetterman’s shorts and hoodie?

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Four days later, I am still in disbelief that Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) wore shorts and a hoodie to a Senate press conference. It was a cringeworthy moment in our nation’s history and, quite frankly, trashy and classless. (This is not a sentence I want to be writing about our country’s senators – Republican or Democrat).

For those who may be unaware, last Thursday, Sen. Fetterman, and we should probably start using that senator title very loosely, showed up to a press conference looking like he had just rolled out of bed. In his embarrassing and slovenly attire, he stood next to four other Democrat senators at a podium while discussing the government impasse surrounding the debt bill. All four other senators wore suits and ties, as does every senator when conducting official business in the Capitol. So how did they allow Fetterman to wear shorts and a hoodie?


It’s well known that Democrats have dumbed down and significantly lowered school academic standards nationwide — changes that have significantly harmed the life prospects of inner-city children. But if destroying academic and education standards in our country’s public school systems weren’t enough for Democrats, they have now apparently targeted congressional dress codes. It’s as if they are just wantonly promoting an open degradation of quality and excellence in our nation to appease some hippie element that embraces utopian chaos.

Have they no shame? Aren’t they embarrassed?

Fetterman was surrounded by Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA), Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Sen. Peter Welch (D-VT), and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Thursday. Did not one have the common sense to look at Fetterman and tell him he is not a teenager sleeping in his mother’s basement and that he is a United States senator? Not one Democratic senator felt compelled to pull Fetterman aside and say something such as, “Hey, big guy, we don’t do that here.”

Once again, have they no shame? Aren’t they embarrassed?


It was a sight that one would expect on a Saturday Night Live skit or some other parody or satire, not something from a U.S. senator. But Democrats should also endure some blame. Markey, Merkley, Welch, and Sanders are all experienced congressmen. Granted, one doesn’t necessarily need to be experienced to know not to show up wearing shorts and a hoodie to Congress. But someone should have been the adult in the room and told Fetterman to change clothes.

What’s next, flip-flops and sleeveless shirts for the summer? Our country deserves a better class of politicians, but Democrats clearly aren’t the ones to give them to us.

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