President Donald Trump has long been a freedom fighter when it comes to battling the toxic left-wing legacy media. He has exposed it for its corruption since coming down the escalator in 2015 and declaring his candidacy. He is arguably responsible for changing the country’s media landscape and bringing some much-needed exposure and accountability, an accomplishment no other Republican before him was able to do.
On the Ides of March, Trump struck again, issuing an executive order to shut down Voice of America, a once-heralded media outlet known for its messages about American liberty and freedom. It has since been corrupted by radical, left-wing political ideology. It was the president’s latest act to thwart left-wing ideology being spread on the taxpayer’s dime.
Voice of America began broadcasting in 1942 to combat Nazi propaganda. Eventually, it was a valuable tool in the Cold War to challenge communist propaganda emanating from the Soviet Union. Yet, in 2025, Voice of America’s messaging was ironically more aligned with Soviet Marxism and Bolshevism than the cherished liberties and freedoms that made America great. In the appropriately titled “Voice of Radical America,” the president explained that he was ending Voice of America’s time on the airwaves, asserting that “taxpayers are no longer on the hook for radical propaganda.”
Unsurprisingly, liberals, Democrats, and others on the Left rebuked Trump’s decision, likening it to a suppression of speech and erosion of truth and freedom. Consider the words of VOA director Michael Abramowitz, who claimed Trump’s action to gut the network amounted to suppression.
“What a mission I’ve been lucky enough to embark on — a mission to grow American influence around the world, not by sharing slanted American propaganda, but by giving them the TRUTH!” Abramowitz said. “Why? Because America has the truth on its side.”
Truth, huh?
This article posted by the network, “What Is ‘White Privilege’ and Whom Does It Help?” insinuates that the country is inherently racist against minorities, and the nation’s police officers regularly abuse and victimize them. It provided a history of the term “white privilege” and presented it as if it were more than just agenda-driven, left-wing political postulation. “White privilege” is no truer than the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. Yet, one would never know it by reading VOA.
Moreover, it’s also dishonest for VOA to claim it told “America’s story” through “objective and balanced news and information.”
“VOA promotes freedom and democracy around the world by telling America’s story and by providing objective and balanced news and information, especially for those living under tyranny,” said Abramowitz. “VOA needs thoughtful reform, and we have made progress in that regard. But today’s action will leave Voice of America unable to carry out its vital mission … Even if the agency survives in some form, the actions being taken today by the Administration will severely damage Voice of America’s ability to foster a world that is safe and free and, in doing so, is failing to protect U.S. interests.”
There are many other examples, including this report from 2023, which revealed VOA’s staff was ordered not to refer to Hamas as “terrorists,” even though the U.S. government categorizes Hamas as a terrorist organization.
Voice of America is no longer the beacon of liberty it once was. Instead, one could legitimately argue the network’s symbol for the last two decades could have been a sickle and hammer. VOA was no different than much of the country’s legacy media. The network regularly advanced the stories and narratives that aligned with its preferred agenda, political views, and ideological perspectives.
Trump was right to eliminate it. His brazen leadership should be celebrated. Furthermore, VOA is no longer needed. It served its purpose.