In February, the School District of Philadelphia announced it would defy President Donald Trump’s executive order prohibiting biological males who pretend to be females from participating in athletic competitions against other females. This was an egregious act of defiance from the leadership of one of the worst-rated school districts in the country. Much like the rogue, left-wing educators that plague our nation’s schools, the School District of Philadelphia prioritized its adherence to political ideology over protecting female student-athletes.
“The School District of Philadelphia strives to ensure safety, equity, and justice for all students regardless of gender identity or gender expression so that they can imagine and realize any future they desire,” district spokeswoman Christina Clark said in a statement last month. “The District will continue to align its practices to support its LGBTQ+ students in accordance with Board Policy 252 for transgender and gender non-conforming students.”
This decision exemplifies why the school district is a complete failure. As a former student of the School District of Philadelphia, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, and the journalist who broke Lia Thomas’s swimming escapades, I can say the school district is making a huge mistake that is endangering female athletes. It’s the same unhinged, radical, left-wing chaos that plagued the campus of the city’s Ivy League institution in 2022. The district is genuflecting to the tribal lords of gender ideology and the transgender fanatics.
It publicly swore allegiance to radical LGBT ideology instead of upholding its responsibility to protect the district’s female athletes and the dignity and honor of women’s sports. It’s yet another example of the magnitude of radical left-wing indoctrination in schools. It’s even more tragic that adults entrusted with the welfare of students are making these decisions.
“I honestly don’t know how any adult, with a functional brain, can arrive at the conclusion that they are going to allow biological men to invade a biological female’s safe spaces,” Philadelphia radio talk show host Nick Kayal said. “Whether it’s sports, locker rooms, or bathrooms, it’s an invasion of privacy and completely unfair. It’s a blatant disregard for biology, at the safety and security of females, to pander to a select few and a fringe minority in the political spectrum.”
It’s absurd. There’s really no other way to put it. Boys cannot become girls. They never have been able to do so and never will be able to do so. Anyone claiming otherwise is either lying or suffering from severe brainwashing and mental abnormalities. Boys are boys. Girls are girls. Anyone rejecting this fact should be exposed for the fraud that they are.
Despite the Philadelphia school district’s decision, the tide behind transgender mania appears to be shifting and returning to normalcy. Kayal, host of the award-winning Kayal & Company, which airs weekdays between 6 a.m. to 10 a.m., cited Gov. Gavin Newsom’s (D-CA) recent admission.
“It’s politics,” Kayal told me. “They all know it’s bulls***. Gavin Newsom from California is the prime example, as he now admits it’s unfair in his latest pivot for 2020.”
Kayal also speaks from the perspective of being a father to two girls. I asked him what he would do if he were a father of girls in the School District of Philadelphia and was subjected to its decision.
“I would be at a school board meeting with hundreds of listeners, and we would protest and exercise our First Amendment rights,” Kayal told me. “This is a 90-10 issue, according to almost every poll. My girls dance competitively, so they don’t play physical contact sports, but if they did and a boy was playing, my girls would be removed for their safety.”
The other caveat is the embarrassingly low ranking of the School District of Philadelphia. The district’s students’ academic performance in Pennsylvania’s standardized testing is among the worst in the state. It also ranks “near the bottom of all big-city school districts in national assessments.” It is a terribly incompetent education system that leaves the city’s students uneducated, unprepared for the real world, and, arguably, a pipeline to poverty for many of the students who attend the city’s public schools. It has been this way for decades, and it never changes.
“If your school district is highly rated academically and math and reading scores are where they should be, which they are not, then be my guest with introducing this stuff, at the right age,” Kayal said. “I think 8th grade or 13 years old is fair, even though I vehemently disagree with all of the ideologies baked into it. But these administrators and teachers who haven’t handled their business of academics first is disgraceful. Do your job.”
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the School District of Philadelphia receives 23.2% of its funding from federal sources, the highest of Pennsylvania’s 10 largest school districts. Yet, as mentioned above, it continually is among the worst in the state and the country. The punishment for defying Trump’s directive, as specified in the order, is “to rescind all funds from educational programs that deprive women and girls of fair athletic opportunities, which results in the endangerment, humiliation, and silencing of women and girls and deprives them of privacy.”
It wouldn’t seem like the wisest of moves for one of the worst-performing school districts in the country to sacrifice the federal funding it desperately needs and the well-being of its nearly 120,000 students, to play politics. Yet, if it continues to do so, the district should rightfully lose its funding, as Trump specified. It’s a sentiment that Kayal agrees with.
“Trump should pull all federal funding,” Kayal said. “Period. Just like he did with Columbia University over the antisemitic protests.”