This October, wishing you a Happy He/Him/Ze/Zir/Xyr Day


October comes but once a year and is regularly recognized as a favorite month for many people and with good reason.

The changing of the seasons from summer to autumn arguably peaks in October. This comes with a comfortable seasonal decrease in temperatures. Leaves change colors from green to orange, yellow, and brown, which is aesthetically pleasing to many. It’s the month of Halloween, as many people decorate their houses with orange and purple lights and other festive displays. October is also the time of year for pumpkins, apples, and orchard visits. 

Apparently, it is also the month for something called “International Pronouns Day,” which, unbeknownst to many, is “celebrated” on the third Wednesday of October. Largely unknown, or, hopefully, outright ignored by the normal and sane population in the country, it is supposed to be a day of “respecting, sharing, and educating about personal pronouns commonplace.” Originally “started” in 2018, the day’s objective was to normalize “referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves” and that doing so is “basic to human dignity,” which, when not done, negatively “affects transgender and gender nonconforming people.”

Enough is enough. It’s not a lack of pronoun declarations negatively affecting transgender people. Succumbing to this far-left social experiment predicated on a societal denial of basic biology that shows men are not women and vice versa is what is affecting them. Delusional beliefs of brainwashing people into believing that pronouns can be altered — they can’t — are at the root of the problems.

Here are some harsh truths about these far-left, extreme, and rogue attacks on our culture: They’re not true. Moreover, such things are weird. Furthermore, adherence to this is cultish behavior and indicative of the dangers and concerning behaviors exhibited by many radical, left-wing ideologues. They want to corrupt our land to believe the extremist thoughts to which they subscribe, and they do not care who it harms.

The reality, however, is at the core of their objectives is a desire to normalize the taboo. “International Pronouns Day” is illegitimate. There is no such thing, mainly because there is no such thing as genuinely declaring one’s pronouns. It is nothing more than a weird practice by people who are either suffering from the effects of mental abnormalities or those who have been brainwashed into supporting them. 

Anything involved with declaring pronouns is the result of indoctrination and brainwashing efforts orchestrated by far-left activists. Like every left-wing, socialist, communist, and totalitarian movement before them, under the guises of grievances, oppression claims, and compassion, they want to transition society to comply with these outlandish beliefs. It is something they freely admit on the website describing “International Pronoun Day.”

“Being referred to by the wrong pronouns particularly affects transgender and gender nonconforming people,” reads the website. “Together, we can transform society to celebrate people’s multiple, intersecting identities.”

At least they’re not hiding their long-term goals to transition civilization. However, they must be stopped. Otherwise, this lunacy will replace the current norms of society. Maybe not in 2024 or immediately, but eventually, it will happen. 


Doing so won’t be easy, as the Left controls many institutions that brainwash people and influence the masses into supporting these weird beliefs. For example, I was only aware of this day’s “existence” because of a college’s social media post honoring the day. It’s the kind of thing colleges are teaching students to believe is normal (all while paying thousands of dollars in tuition). Nevertheless, despite the Left’s global network, there must be a dedicated effort to continuously reject these indoctrination attempts to hijack the culture and brainwash the masses. 

If not, people should practice saying, “Happy He/Him/Ze/Zir/Xyr Day.”

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