The crybaby corporate journalists


Conservatives have come to terms with the fact that the press are irredeemably biased to the point that legacy journalists act as de facto agents of the Democratic Party. It is impossible to quantify the impact the press have on U.S. elections, but their foot on the scale is certainly worth something. Time will tell if journalists can hoodwink the public into electing a vapid, unserious, failed vice president who promises to destroy the economy and continue her regime’s disastrous foreign policy, but they will undoubtedly give it their best shot.

Facing the monolithic leviathan that is the press and their extraordinarily pervasive and well-funded propaganda machine, it is sometimes easy to forget that while many journalists do have nefarious motives, most in the journalist class are also extremely childish and simple-minded.

This week, the staff of CBS News was sent into an uproar after anchor Tony Dokoupil had the temerity to perform an act of journalism when he asked tough questions of race hustler and anti-Israel activist Ta-Nehisi Coates.

“If you took your name out of it, took away the awards and the acclaim, took the cover off the book, the publishing house goes away — the content of that section would not be out of place in the backpack of an extremist,” Dokoupil said of the “Israel-Palestine section” of Coates’s new book. “Why leave out that Israel is surrounded by countries that want to eliminate it? Why leave out that Israel deals with terror groups that want to eliminate it?”

Fair questions, but like most honest questions, they offended the fragile sensibilities of the CBS staff. This prompted Adrienne Roark, the president of content development and integration, to throw Dokoupil under the bus.

“There are times we fail our audiences and each other,” Roark said, according to the Free Press’s audio of the staff meeting. “We’re in one of those times right now, and it’s been growing. And we’re at a tipping point. Many of you have reached out to express concerns about recent reporting, specifically about the CBS Mornings Coates interview last week.”

Hilariously, the crack-up didn’t end with CBS apologizing for an anchor doing his job. The network has hired self-described “mental health expert, DEI strategist, and trauma trainer” Donald Grant to moderate an all-staff meeting featuring journalists who were irreparably scarred after experiencing journalism for the first time. Grant, whose credentials should tell you all you need to know about his grift, should fit right in with the perturbed CBS journalists because he is sufficiently hateful toward Republicans. Here he is calling Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) an “Uncle Tom,” presumably because of the “R” next to his name.

The meltdown at CBS echoes the kerfuffle that led to James Bennett’s resignation as opinion editor of the New York Times after millennial staffers revolted when the paper published an op-ed by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) in 2020.


The inmates run the asylum in corporate newsrooms, and the inmates come almost exclusively from the coasts and have never met a Republican in their coddled, entitled, overeducated, and underinformed lives. Their political ideology is as fragile as it is depraved and comes crashing down like the intellectual house of cards it is under even the most benign scrutiny.

Sure, corporate journalists act in bad faith, but they do so from a place of profoundly childish ignorance. One could ask why people as intellectually incurious as modern corporate journalists would be employed at major media outlets to begin with, but I suspect you already know the answer.

Brady Leonard (@bradyleonard) is a musician, political strategist, and host of The No Gimmicks Podcast.

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