TikTok is cheering on the destruction of the economy


The strike of port workers, aka longshoremen, is dividing public opinion. But not on TikTok, where almost every viral video about the subject speaks with one voice, uncritically backing the striking workers in the most extreme terms imaginable. 

“Everybody should f***ing go on strike.”

“It is always solidarity with workers. It is, quite frankly, always f*** the corporations.” 

“Pay your workers a livable wage!” 

“If workers decide that now is the right time and place to go on strike, then it’s the right time to go on strike. It’s genuinely that simple … there is NO second-guessing it!”

These are just a few examples from countless viral TikToks, which, whether the speakers realize it or not, are essentially cheering on the destruction of the U.S. economy by corrupt and greedy union officials. 

The first problem with TikTok’s blind support for the longshoremen’s strike is that it is, well, blind. No group of people, in any context or walk of life, is right 100% of the time or worthy of complete deference in all situations. The way so many TikTok influencers suggest that “labor,” in this case the International Longshoremen’s Association, must automatically be correct and in the right, regardless of the actual facts of this situation, is bordering on cult-like. 

Giving any group, including corporations, blind support is the definitional opposite of critical thinking. And in this case, influencers’ blanket deference couldn’t be less justified. 

If allowed to continue, the dockworkers’ strike will devastate the U.S. economy, leading to higher prices, shortages, and lay-offs in affected industries. It’s estimated that the strike will cost people roughly $4 billion a day! 

For what, exactly? The longshoremen, who already often earn high five figures or even six figures, are striking because their employers offered them a 50% pay increase over six years and a tripling of employer contributions to benefits. Somehow, that wasn’t good enough for them. Yes, seriously. 

Meanwhile, they’re demanding a complete ban on technological improvement in the efficiency of ports via automation. The U.S. ports are already remarkably inefficient compared to overseas competitors, and striking workers are demanding that they become even more so going forward. 


It’s no exaggeration to say the longshoremen union leaders are enemies of human progress, holding the entire U.S. economy hostage during the recovery from a natural disaster to block innovation and extract exorbitant pay increases. But millions of young people are being told to support these villains, whose leaders really are indistinguishable from mob bosses, because “f*** corporations” and “always support workers.” 

We desperately need to teach the next generation basic economics and basic critical thinking skills. Under the status quo, many are having their view of the world so thoroughly distorted by brain-dead TikTok influencers that they end up cheering on the destruction of the economy and somehow thinking they’re the good guys. 

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is an independent journalist, co-founder of BASEDPolitics, and host of the Brad vs Everyone podcast.

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