Democrats seek to abolish the First Amendment


When a political movement’s only guiding principle is an insatiable lust for power, the free exchange of ideas becomes public enemy No. 1. It should come as no surprise that the party that booed God at its national convention and has largely replaced faith with the perverse worship of the state feels that the ends always justify the means.

From author Fran Lebowitz suggesting that President Joe Biden should dissolve the Supreme Court to regime journalists openly calling for the destruction of the U.S. Constitution, Democrats have become increasingly comfortable with publicly displaying their radicalism. In their minds, the enemy is not poverty, inflation, or threats by foreign enemies but freedom itself. As the Left attempts to remake America into a totalitarian, multicultural nightmare, the first two amendments to the Constitution are the only bulwarks standing in its way.

Democrats have been thoroughly defeated on the Second Amendment front. A majority of people can now legally defend their families without a permission slip from the state, and the tens of millions of AR-15, AR-10, and AK-47-style rifles in civilian hands all but guarantee that the gun confiscation plans of authoritarian Democrats are doomed to fail. 

For a variety of reasons, the First Amendment is more difficult to defend. The public has grown accustomed to censorship by the state. Democrats successfully used a coordinated, unconstitutional censorship campaign to win the 2020 presidential election, and they view the continued perversion of the First Amendment, or its outright elimination, as the path forward toward achieving their communistic goals. 

Former Secretary of State John Kerry, 2012 Democratic nominee for president, said the quiet part out loud last Wednesday while participating in a World Economic Forum panel on green energy.

“You know, there’s a lot of discussion now about how you curb [social media companies] in order to guarantee that you’re going to have some accountability on facts, etc.,” he said. “But look, if people go to only one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, you know, has an agenda, and they’re putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence.”

The “disinformation” Kerry seeks to “hammer out of existence” is the truth. Ring-wingers who were censored for questioning the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines were proven right. Despite censors’ best efforts, the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop came out, albeit not in time to save former President Donald Trump’s reelection bid. 

There is a reason why Elon Musk went from an electric vehicle-building hero of the Left to the Democratic Party’s boogeyman in record time. Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich wrote in the Guardian that “regulators around the world should threaten Musk with arrest” if he refuses to “stop disseminating lies and hate on X.” 


There is nothing tyrannical elites fear more than an American public that exercises its First Amendment rights. Musk’s decision to buy Twitter, now X, struck a critical blow to their electoral strategy of weaponizing censorship, and with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg expressing regret for advancing the Left’s censorship regime, expect Democrats to attack the First Amendment with even more fervor and conviction. 

The battle for free speech has been all but lost in Canada, Australia, and Europe. As the ruling class seeks to emulate the persecution of free thinkers by foreign governments, freedom-loving Americans must realize that the fight for liberty will be won or lost on the battlefield of free expression. If the Right fails to protect the First Amendment, the American experiment as we know it will come to a premature end at the hands of an increasingly feral Democratic Party. 

Brady Leonard (@bradyleonard) is a musician, political strategist, and host of The No Gimmicks Podcast.

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