Don’t fall for Harris’s pivot on guns


Vice President Kamala Harris surprised supporters last week when she discussed her previous comments about gun ownership with Oprah Winfrey. Highlighting her inability to think on her feet, Harris answered Winfrey’s question with as awkward a response as you would expect.

“If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot,” she said. “Probably should not have said that, but my staff will deal with that later.”

With the general election drawing near, and former President Donald Trump leading or within the margin of error in all seven battleground states, the Harris campaign has frequently repeated the talking point that both Harris and Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) are gun owners in an attempt to distance the politicians from their radical anti-gun records.

“This business about taking everyone’s guns away, Tim Walz and I are both gun owners,” Harris said during her Sept. 10 debate with Trump. “We’re not taking anybody’s guns away. So stop with the continuous lying about this stuff.”

Harris first admitted to owning a gun when she ran for president briefly in 2019.

“I am a gun owner, and I own a gun for probably the reason a lot of people do — for personal safety,” Harris told reporters after a campaign event. “I was a career prosecutor.”

“Rights for me but not for thee” has long been the mantra of Democratic politicians.

Democrats partied as average citizens were confined to their homes during the COVID-19 lockdowns, liberals promoted the “defund the police” movement while surrounded by private security, and champions of the Green New Deal have no problem flying private.

The gun issue is no different. 

During her first presidential run, Harris said she was in favor of gun confiscation and claimed that she would take executive action to persecute gun dealers and implement “comprehensive background checks.”

Harris also favors banning what she calls “assault weapons,” meaning the 44 million AR-15s, several million AK-47s, and other privately owned semi-automatic rifles. Walz is in favor of banning semi-automatic firearms despite holding a semi-auto shotgun during a pheasant hunting photo op

As California attorney general, Harris was even more radical on the Second Amendment than she was during her time in the national spotlight. She bragged about sending police door-to-door in clear violation of the Constitution.

“We sent law enforcement out to take those guns because we have to deal with this on all levels,” she said at a 2019 Democratic candidate forum.

“Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible,” said Harris, who was a district attorney at the time, at a 2007 presser


Despite recent attempts to appeal to swing voters, Harris and Walz have proved themselves to be anti-gun authoritarians. When Democrats claim to have moderated their position on the Second Amendment, you would do well to remember the fable of the scorpion and the frog. Tyranny is in their character. 

Brady Leonard (@bradyleonard) is a musician, political strategist, and host of The No Gimmicks Podcast.

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