Will the fact checkers ever fact-check themselves?


Tuesday night’s debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris on ABC was the worst-moderated presidential debate in modern history. Following in the footsteps of leftist hacks such as CNN’s Candy Crowley and John Harwood, anchors Linsey Davis and David Muir covered themselves in shame, constantly interrupting and “fact-checking” Trump.

Clearly, the two ABC “journalists” felt that their beloved Democratic candidate lacked the skills to contend with Trump, and preventing another embarrassing loss on the debate stage was top priority, easily outweighing silly little notions such as honesty and professionalism. The only problem with Davis and Muir’s fact checks is that they had no basis in reality.

The moderators and the entirety of corporate media sprang into action to dispute several claims by the former president, spewing bald-faced lies with alacrity. Journalists claimed that Trump lied when he said Harris supports transgender surgeries for illegal immigrants.

Of course, Harris does support this policy, prompting this correction from Time magazine on Wednesday: “The original version of this story mischaracterized as false Donald Trump’s statement accusing Kamala Harris of supporting ‘transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison’ As a presidential candidate in 2019, Harris filled out a questionnaire saying she supported taxpayer-funded gender transition treatment for detained immigrants.”

After Trump pointed out the Left’s extraordinarily radical record on abortion, Davis defiantly interjected, claiming smugly, “There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born.” Again, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Several states allow children born after botched abortions to die.

Harris’s running mate, Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN), last year repealed the law that required physicians to provide lifesaving care to babies born alive, and 12 states have never had such a law on the books. In 2019, the Senate voted on the Republican-sponsored Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. The measure failed when 44 Democrats, including then-Sen. Kamala Harris, voted against protecting the most vulnerable. 

Journalists are counting on low-information voters to carry their candidates over the finish line. The video Trump referenced of former Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam endorsing what the former president correctly dubbed the “execution” of babies is available to anyone with a shred of intellectual curiosity. 


Conservative pundit Mary Katherine-Ham pointed out corporate media’s strategy: “The ‘transgender operations on illegal aliens’ suffers from the Chappaquiddick problem, which is that it sounds so crazy and awful that people assume it can’t be true and you seem kinda crazy and gauche for bringing it up unless you do it well. But it’s a real thing!” 

Democratic politicians and their friends and sorority sisters in the press love policies such as unfettered abortion, taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries for illegal immigrants, price controls, bans on fracking, and defunding the police, but their radicalism is a bridge too far for even most liberals. Since a Democrat moderating her positions is as rare as an elephant riding a unicycle on the moon, the only option, in the minds of our esteemed media, is to lie and lie again. This election will be the ultimate test of the efficacy of corporate media’s propaganda.

Brady Leonard (@bradyleonard) is a musician, political strategist, and host of The No Gimmicks Podcast.

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