Andrew Cuomo and his COVID cover-up return to the national stage


Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is desperately searching for a way back onto the political scene. His COVID policies that killed and covered up the deaths of thousands of nursing home residents should leave him on a permanent blacklist for voters.

Next week, Cuomo will testify in front of the House Oversight Committee about his COVID policies. During the pandemic, Cuomo ordered nursing homes to accept COVID-positive patients and prevented those locations from requiring negative tests from residents before admission. A report found that between late March and early May 2020, those 6,327 admissions were “associated with … possibly more than 1,000 additional resident deaths.

Cuomo’s administration then deleted the executive order, and his Health Department reclassified over 4,000 deaths as hospital deaths, even though the victims contracted COVID at nursing homes. Cuomo was the single most reckless government official when it came to pandemic policy, contributing to deaths that otherwise would not have happened, in direct defiance of basic common sense and what we actually knew about the virus at the time, which is that it was particularly lethal for the elderly.

All the while, Cuomo presented himself as the country’s COVID savior with his grand televised press conferences meant to contrast himself with then-President Donald Trump’s briefings and guidance. Cuomo even tried to profit off the pandemic with a book touting his own leadership.


Along with the accusations of sexual harassment and the employment of a Chinese agent in his office, Cuomo has shown himself to be uniquely unqualified to serve in any position of public service. That hasn’t stopped him from circling the failing administration of New York City Mayor Eric Adams, however. Cuomo is likely to run if Adams declines to pursue reelection, and recently, Cuomo’s campaign committee has paid a pollster $67,700 to test the waters on his numbers.

Cuomo has already tried to pawn off blame for his COVID failures in a closed-door interview with Congress, proving that his ego prevents him from taking any responsibility for his catastrophic failures. If the return of Cuomo’s arrogance and incompetence to the national stage does anything, it should remind voters once again that he belongs nowhere near the powers of government at any level, much less the levers of power in the country’s biggest city.

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