Not just ‘border czar’: Let’s discuss Harris’s role in Afghanistan


Liberal media are already trying to erase any record of Vice President Kamala Harris being tasked with fixing the border crisis. Will they also try to absolve her of her role in President Joe Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal?

Harris’s vulnerabilities on the border crisis have led liberal media to pretend that she had nothing to do with the border despite the fact that they repeatedly referred to her as the “border czar” and Biden’s “point person” on the border crisis. But travel back to 2021 and you will find that Harris also had a hand in the Afghanistan withdrawal that sank Biden’s approval rating for good.

CNN’s Dana Bash acknowledged that Biden wanted Harris to be the “last person in the room” on every major decision of his administration, and Harris confirmed that she was the last person in the room with him on the Afghanistan withdrawal. Harris even confirmed that she felt comfortable with Biden’s withdrawal decision and plan.


That plan culminated in the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, the stranding of hundreds of Americans who were left behind after being promised the Taliban wouldn’t take over, the stranding of tens of thousands of Afghan allies, Afghans falling off of American planes trying to escape, a suicide bombing that killed 13 U.S. servicemembers, and a retaliatory drone strike that killed no terrorists but did kill an aid worker and seven children.

Harris tied herself closely to Biden’s position on Afghanistan. It is yet another aspect of the Biden-Harris presidency for which she must answer, right alongside her role in the border crisis. Harris was part of the same disastrous administration that tanked Biden’s reelection chances. Unless it turns out that she did nothing at all for the past four years but stand behind Biden at press conferences, the administration’s failures include her failures as well. Liberal media can’t erase them all.

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