Proud abortionist kills Democratic talking points about late-term abortions


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Proud abortionist kills Democratic talking points about late-term abortions

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The Democratic talking points about how late-term abortions are rare and only performed for medically necessary reasons are bunk, and they always have been. You do not need to hear it from some conservative writer, though; a late-term abortionist would be happy to tell you himself.

The abortionist in question is Warren Hern, an 84-year-old in Colorado who was interviewed by the Atlantic about his late-term abortion practice. When he isn’t calling pro-life activists fascists, he is dismissing the fetal viability of children up to birth in order to justify his practice of ending their lives at any point in a woman’s pregnancy, for any reason, including if the parents don’t want to have a girl.


These are not exaggerations. Hern derisively refers to unborn children as fetuses up until they are “born alive.” He does not consider the viability of an unborn child to be at 20 or 24 or 28 weeks of pregnancy. Children are only viable if the mother wants them, according to him. He may not be squeamish about snuffing out the lives of countless unborn children, but he does bristle at being called an abortionist. Everyone draws the line somewhere.

Here is the most important piece, though. Democratic politicians and abortion activists insist that late-term abortions only occur if medically necessary or if the unborn child is going to die anyway. This is how they justify their opposition to all abortion restrictions, a position held by Democrats even in swing states such as Georgia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Late-term abortions are rare and necessary, not elective, we are told, so it doesn’t matter if we have no legal restrictions on them.

But, according to the Atlantic, “Hern estimates that at least half, and sometimes more, of the women who come to the clinic do not” have a diagnosis that their lives would be in danger or that their babies will not be born alive. Over half of the late-term abortions Hern performs, which he does up to 32 weeks of pregnancy, are elective. Colorado has no gestational limit on abortions.


We already know that late-term abortions are not “rare,” at least by the definition our activist, liberal media measures other issues. The Washington Post itself concluded that there are at least 10,000 late-term abortions per year, which dwarfs the 364 deaths from “assault weapons” and other rifles in 2019 and the more than 7,700 people who have been killed by police since 2015. They are not “rare,” and Hern dispels any notion that all 10,000 are only performed because they are medically necessary.

As usual, the biggest indictment of abortion comes from the rare bouts of honesty from those in the abortion industry. Hern’s position that women should be able to get abortions for any reason at any time and that unborn children aren’t alive and have no worth until they are born is no different than the position of a generic Democratic politician. The only difference is that Democrats feel the need to whitewash Hern’s blunt honesty.

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