The jealous gods of the Rainbow Church tolerate no infidels


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The jealous gods of the Rainbow Church tolerate no infidels

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Public school teachers and other culture warriors on the Left will insist that the symbols of their ascendant movement, such as the rainbow flag, pronouns in bios and introductions, and “HATE HAS NO PLACE” signs, are just simple, unobjectionable statements of tolerance and love.

Wearing the rainbow flag ought not to be controversial, they argue. It’s merely a statement of “LGBTQ inclusion,” the media flatly assert.


Why would religious conservatives object to wearing the flag, or say that public school teachers flying the flag in the classroom is inappropriate?

Well, the symbols of the 21st-century gay and transgender movement aren’t simply used to say, “We should love and tolerate everyone.” Some of the folks deploying these symbols are basically a competing religion that is dedicated to destroying the religions held by billions of other people.

Consider the Los Angeles Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

This is a group that proudly flies the pride flag on its homepage, along with a hundred images and declarations that, along with their name, are a blatant mockery of Catholicism and women — particularly nuns and other religious sisters. This is a group of men who pretend to be women and dress up in vulgar, garish caricatures of religious sisters.

Why do I mention this depraved group of men whose organizing principle is to mock a major religion in a sexualized and misogynistic way, and to proudly bear the pride flag while they do it? I do not think that all or even most groups marching under the pride flag bear such hatred toward my religion. No, but this anti-Catholic group is very notable because when the Los Angeles Dodgers have “Pride Night” next month, they are honoring the “drag nuns” of Los Angeles.

“The Los Angeles chapter of The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence will receive this year’s Community Hero Award for their countless hours of community service, ministry, and outreach to those on the edges, in addition to promoting human rights and respect for diversity and spiritual enlightenment.”

As Dodgers’ VP Erik Braverman explains, showcasing anti-Catholic bigotry is an effort “to knock down barriers and foster an atmosphere of acceptance for all.”

Now you see why the anodyne statements of “acceptance” and “tolerance” strike so many of us as deceptive cover stories. When the Los Angeles Dodgers talk about “acceptance” and fly the pride flag, they are not being pluralistic but are flying their own religious symbol. The LA drag “nuns” see themselves as crusaders in a religious war, and the Los Angeles Dodgers have taken the side of this rainbow religion against the Christian religion.

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio sent an open letter to the Dodgers about this:

On June 16, 2023, the Los Angeles Dodgers will host “LGBTQ+ Pride Night” at Dodgers Park. As part of the pre-game ceremony, the Dodgers will give its “Community Hero Award” to the Los Angeles chapter of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a self-described “order of queer and trans nuns” that has mocked and degraded Christians, and especially Catholics, since its founding on Easter Sunday in 1979. The “sisters” are men who dress in lewd imitation of Roman Catholic nuns. The group’s motto, “go and sin some more,” is a perversion of Jesus’s command to “go, and sin no more.” The group’s “Easter” ceremony features children’s programming followed by a drag show where adult performers dress in blasphemous imitation of Jesus and Mary. The group hosts pub crawls mocking the Stations of the Cross and even the Eucharist, the sacrament that unites more than one billion Catholics around the world…. Do you believe that the Los Angeles Dodgers are being “inclusive and welcoming to everyone” by giving an award to a group of gay and transgender drag performers that intentionally mocks and degrades Christians—and not only Christians, but nuns, who devote their lives to serving others? Do you believe such an award is “apolitical”?


The Dodgers should answer these questions. Better yet, the Dodgers should repent, apologize, and distance themselves from bigoted anti-Catholic groups. Because otherwise, they make it clear that for them, the “pride” movement isn’t about equal rights or acceptance, but is a religious war.

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