Let’s stop acting like Jan. 6 was worse than the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots


Minneapolis Police Death
A check-cashing business burns Friday, May 29, 2020, in Minneapolis. Protests continued following the death of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minneapolis police officers on Memorial Day. (John Minchillo/AP)

Let’s stop acting like Jan. 6 was worse than the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots

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Former President Donald Trumps town hall on Wednesday night triggered much, if not all, of the liberal media. Almost in unison, they repeated the same talking points. Unfortunately, this resurrected much of the Left’s theatrical devastation over the Jan. 6 riots at the Capitol.

Unquestionably, the Jan. 6 riots were terrible. Some Trump supporters will try to justify it as a necessary action against voter integrity issues or election interference. Those people would be wrong: under no circumstance is it OK to storm the Capitol. The Constitution protects the “right of the people peaceably to assemble,” not engage in chaos and anarchy to express displeasure. So, any condemnation over Jan. 6 is justifiable.


That being said, I am sick and tired of hearing about Jan. 6. More importantly, I am even more sick and tired of people pretending that the Jan. 6 riot was worse than the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020. Despite the carnage those riots caused, few, if any, on the Left criticized or condemned them. And definitely nobody on the Left labeled them a threat to our country — despite some riots, including attempts to burn down federal buildings. It’s left-wing political propaganda and manipulation at its finest.

Decades of left-wing brainwashing and indoctrination in schools have led many people to believe that unarmed black men are hunted and killed by police officers because of systemic racism in the country’s criminal justice system, even though every legitimate statistical analysis and study has debunked such claims. They have turned any BLM riot into some kind of noble, just political demonstration working for the common good and equality, despite all the criminal destruction associated with the group’s activities being based on misinformation — just like the Jan. 6 riot was.

The Jan. 6 riots were bad; the BLM riots of 2020 were much, much worse. Anyone who refuses to say otherwise is lying to you. More people were killed and injured, more minority communities were devastated, and significantly more damage was done in 2020. And despite all the patronizing bewailing over riots by the Left when it came to Jan. 6, the devastation caused by the BLM riots was widely accepted, if not celebrated, by these same people. Furthermore, the BLM riots have been widely accepted, for lack of a better term, since 2014.

When people dangerously act out in support of left-wing orthodoxy, any supposed threat to democracy magically disappears. It’s a deceptive dichotomy that’s Orwellian in nature. Why? Because as political scientist and Historically Black College and University professor Dr. Wilfred Reilly tweeted last night, the Left are the ones telling the stories and controlling the narratives.

“Why will January 6th be remembered forever and the far worse BLM riots intentionally forgotten? Because of who the story-tellers are,” Reilly tweeted.


People donated tens of millions of dollars to BLM under the misguided notion of so-called social justice. Conversely, the Jan. 6 rioters were arrested and treated as the biggest traitors in our country’s history. Millions of people were brainwashed and duped into supporting the BLM riots. It was, and still is, a sham of epic proportions, and the charade continues to this very day.

To the Left, rioting and destruction are permitted just so long as they are done under the guise of politically left-wing aspirations. And it will always be that way so long as they control the flow of information and the nation’s messaging. However, none of that propaganda makes any of their claims less false.

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