DeSantis makes, Trump takes


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DeSantis makes, Trump takes

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There are many reasons Republican primary voters should choose Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) over former President Donald Trump. DeSantis is a winner who has never lost an election, while Trump let President Joe Biden beat him by 7 million votes. DeSantis hires competent people and gets results, while Trump hires crazy people and produces chaos.

But perhaps DeSantis’s biggest advantage over Trump is his proven track record of building and expanding the Republican Party. This stands in sharp contrast with Trump, who only takes money from other Republicans and then spends money attacking other Republicans.


Just look at what DeSantis has accomplished since March. He has headlined 10 Republican Party events in eight states, raising over $4.3 million for Republican state parties. This is money that goes directly to helping other Republicans get elected. It does not go into DeSantis’s pockets at all, nor to those of his anticipated presidential campaign.

Contrast DeSantis’s record of raising money for other Republicans with Trump’s record of taking $1.6 million from the Republican National Committee to pay for his own legal bills and taking $150 million from small-dollar donors for an “Election Defense Fund” that didn’t exist.

So where does all the money Trump raised to help Republicans go? To be fair, Trump did spend $16 million helping Republican candidates in 2022, but most of that money went to losers such as Herschel Walker and Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Meanwhile, Trump has already spent $11 million attacking fellow Republican DeSantis. By the end of the summer, Trump will have spent far more money attacking other Republicans than he has ever spent trying to get other Republicans elected.


Trump only cares about one thing: himself. He doesn’t care at all about conservative values or building a governing coalition that can turn conservative values into a workable legislative agenda.

Democrats and their media allies seem deathly afraid of DeSantis. That is why CNN gave Trump a free hour of airtime this week. They want Trump to be the Republican nominee because they know that not only does Biden have a far better chance of beating Trump, but Trump will also drag down every other Republican in the race, making it more likely that Democrats regain control of the White House and both chambers of Congress.

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