Democrats demand more gun control laws that they will refuse to enforce


Chris Murphy
Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., speaks during a hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, June 5, 2018. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Democrats demand more gun control laws that they will refuse to enforce

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Democrats continue to stand on the bodies of shooting victims to demand more gun control, only for them to refuse to enforce gun laws that already exist and allow more people to be shot and killed.

The latest round of demands for gun control stemmed from a shooting at a mall in Allen, Texas. The Biden administration predictably launched another round of gun control demands, as did Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), the poster boy for gun control ghouls who try to emotionally manipulate people into agreeing with him or painting them as heartless monsters.


However, in Chicago, you can see exactly what Democrats think of gun control. There, an off-duty police officer was shot and killed. One of the suspects involved in her death was a man who had a previous criminal history that includes multiple gun crimes that were not taken seriously by Democrat prosecutors.

This suspect had assaulted a police officer after being arrested with a gun with an extended magazine. He also had an indictment on felony gun charges that led to him pleading guilty to aggravated unlawful use of a weapon. In addition, he was arrested in a SWAT raid where he was sleeping near a “ghost gun” with an extended magazine.

For his multiple gun crimes, this suspect received a grand total of two years of probation and 50 hours of community service from his guilty plea and absolutely nothing for the other offenses. Charges were dropped against him twice.

What use are new gun control laws when Democrats have no intention of enforcing the ones that already exist?

Murphy complains that people are “deciding the best thing to do is nothing,” yet the members of his party, who are in charge of enforcing the very gun laws he wants to pass, are already doing exactly that in every jurisdiction where they have authority.

It isn’t just Chicago, either. Soft-on-crime prosecutors backed by liberal megadonor George Soros who are elected in major cities across the country refuse to use sentencing enhancements that would keep criminals behind bars longer for crimes they commit while armed with firearms. This has been particularly galling in Los Angeles. Meanwhile, California Democrats have reduced the enhancements for gang members, and Washington D.C., Democrats tried to soften sentences for homicides.

Democrats can whine about gun control all they want, but the reality is they do not care about locking up gun criminals by enforcing the gun laws that already exist. This is clear evidence that they are not acting in good faith. Their idea of gun control is to ban guns for law-abiding citizens. Criminals would continue to ignore the law, and Democrats would continue to give them wrist slaps (if even that) every time they are caught with illegal firearms, as they already do in Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and elsewhere.


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