More minors are being shot and killed in DC thanks to criminal justice ‘reform’


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Mayor Bowser also announced a new patrolling strategy for city officers known as “sector policing.” (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) Susan Walsh

More minors are being shot and killed in DC thanks to criminal justice ‘reform’

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Leaders in Washington, D.C., have made a conscious decision to downplay and even ignore crimes committed by juveniles.

This has had several disastrous effects as crime has spiraled out of control, but you can add another one to the list: With the city so worried about juveniles going to jail, they are now being murdered at an even greater clip.


In the 18-week period from the start of 2023 to May 4, 43 juveniles have been shot in D.C. That is already nearly double the amount that had been shot in the same period last year, and more than 2 1/2 times the number from 2021. In other words, the number of minors being shot in the nation’s capital has been increasing for the past two years. This year is even outpacing 2020, which “only” had 30 juveniles shot in the same period.

More than twice as many juveniles were shot and killed last year compared to 2021, and 2023 is now doubling that pace again. District of Columbia Attorney General Brian Schwalb said that “kids are kids,” but in his city, it is increasingly the case that kids are dying, and neither he nor any other Democrat running the city wants to do anything about it.

If rampant carjackings perpetrated by juvenile offenders who know they will face no consequences or hundreds of young violent criminals repeatedly committing violent crimes as soon as they are let out on the streets won’t wake city leaders up, will this? Doubtful. Residents of D.C. are being told they must sacrifice their safety, their cars, and even their lives in the name of criminal justice reform. It is no different for those minors being shot and killed at an increasing rate.

This is what leftist criminal justice reform looks like. This is the path to “equity” in D.C., the most Democratic city in the country. Do you feel the racial justice yet?


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