Clarence Thomas and Neo-Pazzism


Justice Clarence Thomas
Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais, File)

Clarence Thomas and Neo-Pazzism

On May 2, 2023, the Democratic Party-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee engaged in an inquiry into the ethical standards of the United States Supreme Court.

In reality, it was an attempt to discredit the Supreme Court and a visceral attack on Justice Clarence Thomas. It was a despicable ploy predicated on removing him from his judicial authority, and it resembled one of history’s grandest nefarious schemes, the Pazzi conspiracy.


According to Opera Magazine, the digital publication of the Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore (founded by the Florentine Republic in 1296 A.D.), the Pazzi Conspiracy: “is one of the most heinous and famous bloody events in the history of Italy and took place in the Cathedral of Florence on April 26, 1478.” It was an attempt by the affluent Pazzi family to rid Renaissance Florence of the Medicis, the political dynasty that ruled at the time.

Over 545 years later and three thousand miles away, a new quasi-Pazzi conspiracy is happening, except this conspiracy is not the killing of people in church on a holy day. It is the character assassination of people in the halls of the Congress of the United States. This conspiracy stems from the jealousy and envy of a political party — specifically, the Democratic Party.

Just as the Pazzi family in medieval Florence sought to impose their tyranny on the Florentine Republic, left-wing Democrats sought to impose theirs on the American Republic.

And, it can be legitimately argued that the Left’s crusade is part of a grand plan dating back 100 years ago. The concept originated and developed by the Italian political and social philosopher Antonio Gramsci, arguably the greatest Marxist intellectual since Marx himself.

Among Gramsci’s prolific writings was his treatment of cultural hegemony and the idea of cultural Marxism. Having failed to persuade the Western working class of the economic evils of capitalism, Gramsci demonized Western culture. He aimed to supplant the dominant culture of republicanism, capitalism, and Christianity with Marx.

This aligns with the aspirations of contemporary Democrats.

Their intent is quite clear: to ideologically cleanse the Supreme Court and recreate it to fit their political principles. Control this court, and the Leftists will control the law of the land for generations. The American people be damned. What they cannot achieve through republican government and the will of the people, they will impose on the people.

To accomplish this, the inimical dominant culture must be defeated.

This is done not by assassins like the Pazzi family but by eradicating the country of traditional American values and molding public opinion of 21st-century American voters. Discredit the country’s institutions, kill people’s trust in the system, and, ultimately, society will be lost.

To facilitate this, one of the first things they do is attack history, specifically Western Civilization.

Instead of teaching the truth, they want to revise history to make people ashamed of it. Convince people that Western Civilization is not the source of medicine, democracy, republics, science, art, and technology but rather the sole source of slavery, racism, war, violence, and genocide in human history. They wish to ignore its positive contributions to humanity and instead emphasize every evil corrupt act committed by businesses, republics, capitalists, and Christians as the norm.

Furthermore, their strategy is centered on demonizing your political enemies as savage, corrupt, greedy, avaricious, and ambitious. They will falsely portray Clarence Thomas as taking bribes in the form of gifts but ignore similar contributions to Justice Ginsburg or the questionably suspect financial statements of Justice Jackson.


Fortunately for the citizens of Florence, the Pazzi Conspiracy failed. The Florentines rose against the Pazzi conspirators. They defended the Medici. The viciousness of the Pazzis was repaid to them tenfold. Each of the Pazzi and their accomplices were captured and summarily executed.

If the country is fortunate, people will reject the lies and slander of the Democrats. Americans will vote Democrats – at all levels of government- out of office. And, with them will go their Marxist Gramscian scheme and the toxic ideologies plaguing the country today, such as cultural socialism, gender ideology, anti-white racism, antifa violence, and oppressive left-wing tyranny.

© 2023 Washington Examiner

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