The prodigal network: CBS News returns to Twitter less than two days after ‘pause’


Elon Musk
Tesla CEO Elon Musk introduces the CybertTruck at Tesla's design studio Thursday, March 14, 2019, in Hawthorne, Calif. (Ringo H.W. Chiu/AP)

The prodigal network: CBS News returns to Twitter less than two days after ‘pause’

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To protest Elon Musk, CBS News quit Twitter — for almost two days. After realizing its protest wasn’t having any impact and its activism wasn’t going the way it thought it would, it not-so-humbly returned.

On Friday, CBS News tried to virtue-signal and make some point about how Musk was running Twitter. Less than two days later, the television broadcasting company caved and reversed course on whatever virtue-signaling it was trying to do. It is the latest example of left-wing sulking over Musk’s crusade to overturn Twitter’s previous censorship.


Toward the end of last week, unsubstantiated rumors circulated that Twitter was near its demise. They were greatly exaggerated. Musk’s new policies as CEO had led to a drastic reduction of the company’s workforce, and ex-employees claimed that it would be dead within a week. In light of this, CBS News foolishly announced it was taking a break from posting on the platform and would monitor the situation before resuming any tweeting.

“In light of the uncertainty around Twitter and out of an abundance of caution, CBS News is pausing its activity on the social media site as it continues to monitor the platform,” said Jonathan Vigliotti, CBS News national correspondent.

But just like the prodigal son, CBS News returned. Except, instead of being honest about its failures and admitting its mistake, it made up some excuse about security concerns as the reason for its break.

“After pausing for much of the weekend to assess the security concerns, CBS News and Stations is resuming its activity on Twitter as we continue to monitor the situation,” CBS News PR tweeted Sunday.

None of the so-called security concerns were ever specified or explained how they were “assessed.” In reality, they never existed. CBS News was caught with egg on its face after its self-imposed Twitter exile. And, while I have no proof of this, it was probably a misguided attempt to sabotage Musk’s Twitter.

Predictably, it failed. Musk noticed this and mocked it for its flip-flopping. He responded to the CBS News PR tweet with an emoji that was laughing while covering its mouth with a hand.


The Left is enraged that it can no longer control the flow of information on Twitter. It hates relinquishing power and will do everything it possibly can to try to sabotage Musk. But he showed what happens when people don’t resist left-wing bullying attempts. He didn’t let its nonsense affect his actions.

CBS News made a fool of itself. The situation exemplifies why no one should ever back down from the Left. We must meet all confrontations and challenges from them with courage and determination.

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