Vivek Ramaswamy calls out the brainwashing, indoctrination, and dangers of children gender transitioning


20230220 Vivek Ramaswamy 12.JPG
Vivek Ramaswamy sits at his home in Columbus, Ohio, on Feb. 20. (Justin Merriman/Washington Examiner)

Vivek Ramaswamy calls out the brainwashing, indoctrination, and dangers of children gender transitioning

It is still puzzling as to why left-wingers, employed by the legacy media, keep pushing radical gender ideology and urging gender transitions in children.

I can only imagine it is because the Left knows decades of indoctrination in schools are finally paying off or that the gender ideology lobby is so wealthy and powerful that it has compromised the fourth estate. Whatever the reason, Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy rejected its legitimacy in an interview with Chuck Todd on NBC’s Meet the Press.


“But below the age of 18, I think it’s perfectly legitimate to say we won’t allow genital mutilation or chemical castration through puberty blockers,” Ramaswamy said.

Todd pressed Ramaswamy on the issue and claimed that new scientific research validates contemporary gender ideology and gender-affirming care. It was a typical left-wing response that echoed the COVID-19 pandemic’s “trust the science.” Yet, what are people supposed to do when it is believed that the “science” has been corrupted by agenda-driven sociocultural ideologues?

When such things occur, science follows political whims. It was a phenomenon Ramaswamy pointed out, citing the history of gender dysphoria being categorized as a mental illness.

“Gender dysphoria, for most of our history, all the way through the DSM-5, has been characterized as a mental health disorder, and I don’t think it’s compassionate to affirm that. I think that’s cruelty,” Ramaswamy said. “When a kid is crying out for help, what they’re asking for, you have to ask the question, what else is going wrong at home? What else is going wrong at school? Let’s be compassionate and get to the heart of that rather than playing this game as though we’re actually changing our medical understanding for the last hundred years.”

Todd pressed back again, citing research and science as the basis for everyone supporting gender transitions and ideology. Specifically, Ramaswamy highlighted the magnitude of the brainwashing about gender transitioning and ideology in society, including the oppressive hysteria that demonizes anyone who disagrees with the left-wing perspective. Most importantly, he noted that people rush to get gender reassignment surgeries because they’ve been manipulated into believing that.


“We’ve created a culture that teaches parents that they’re being bigoted or that they’re bad people if they don’t actually take those steps,” he said. “So, part of what I think is, listen, gender dysphoria for the rare few people who have suffered, it is a condition of suffering. My question is: Why on Earth are we going out of our way to create even more of it? And there’s no doubt that the cultural movement in this country, even education, is creating more gender dysphoria.”

People support these kinds of gender transitions not because it is beneficial, correct, or morally right. Instead, they’ve been programmed to believe it, and ultimately, many times, all it does is make matters worse. Ramaswamy was correct in challenging Chuck Todd and the relevance and significance of gender transitioning in children. Other politicians, regardless of political party, should follow suit.

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