From Tennessee to Montana, Democrats are now cheering mobs in state legislatures


Silenced Transgender Lawmaker
Law enforcement forcibly clear the Montana House of Representatives gallery during a protest after the Speaker of the House refused again to acknowledge Rep. Zooey Zephyr, D-Missoula, on Monday, April 24, 2023, in the State Capitol in Helena, Montana. Republican legislative leaders in Montana persisted in forbidding the Democratic transgender lawmaker from participating in debate for a second week as her supporters brought the House session to a halt Monday, chanting “Let her speak!” from the gallery before they were escorted out. (Thom Bridge/Independent Record via AP)

From Tennessee to Montana, Democrats are now cheering mobs in state legislatures

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Another day, another Democrat leading an insurrection against a legislature. Because democracy only matters when it bends to the whims of transgender activists who want to mutilate children, it seems.

After Tennessee Democrats took bullhorns to the floor of the state House to prevent the legislature from conducting its business, a Montana Democrat decided to try the same thing. State Rep. Zooey Zephyr, a biological man who claims to be a transgender woman, cheered on as “protesters” disrupted Montana’s legislative session. Seven people were arrested and charged with criminal trespassing.


All of this stems from Zephyr not being recognized to speak after telling Montana Republicans that there would be blood on their hands if they didn’t let doctors mutilate children who claim to be transgender. More specifically, Zephyr said: “The only thing I will say is if you vote yes on this bill and yes on these amendments, I hope the next time there’s an invocation when you bow your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands.”

It’s not clear whose blood he is referring to. Is it the blood of the gender-confused children, whom transgender activists insist will kill themselves if doctors aren’t allowed to pump them full of chemicals and prepare them for sex-change surgeries? Or is the blood of children killed by transgender mass shooters, as happened recently in Tennessee?

What is clear is that, once again, a Democratic legislator has been emboldened to use a mob to stop a democratically elected legislature from operating because he didn’t like what the legislature was doing. Just as in the case of the self-important “Tennessee Three,” the question arises: How is this functionally different from the Jan. 6 rioters? Is it just the scale of how many people were involved? Because the goal here was the same — to incite a mob to prevent the function of democracy.

Of course, this isn’t going to end up being the last time this happens, either. Zephyr saw the praise that the Tennessee Democrats got for “occupying” the floor of the state House and decided to imitate them. Other Democrats will see the praise and admiration that Zephyr, steeped in the hysterics of transgender activism, is receiving. This is going to become a trend, with Democrats in red states tacitly or openly inciting mobs to shut down legislative business.

Such a tactic is clearly anti-democratic, and it is also dangerous. It can, and will, get out of hand fast. But of course, the Democratic Party and their media allies are OK with it. To them, a little bit of insurrection is OK, so long as you are fighting Republicans. How else are they going to see the “blood on their hands”?


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