From very first word, Biden starts fibbing in his reelection announcement


Biden Selma
President Joe Biden walks across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Ala., Sunday, March 5, 2023, to commemorate the 58th anniversary of “Bloody Sunday,” a landmark event of the civil rights movement. With Biden are Rep. Terri Sewell, D-Ala., the Rev. Al Sharpton, and the Rev. Jesse Jackson. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) Patrick Semansky/AP

From very first word, Biden starts fibbing in his reelection announcement

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Give President Joe Biden credit for efficiency. It is really difficult to pack as many lies and hypocrisies into three minutes as he did in his video announcing his candidacy for reelection.

The dishonesty began with Biden’s first sentence outlining a worthwhile theme that, alas, runs entirely counter to his own record.


“Freedom,” he said. “Personal freedom is fundamental to who we are as Americans.”

This is the same president whose administration fights vociferously against the freedom of parents to choose which schools their children attend or even to access information about the policies of those schools. It is an administration that fights against the freedom of artists to choose whether or not to use their artistic expression for ceremonies of which their faith disapproves. It fights against the freedom of coaches to pray silently on the field after games. It threatens the freedom of people to use gas stoves, to drive cars that burn fossil fuels, to build on their own properties if rainy seasons create temporary small ponds there, to promote conservative views on college campuses, or to work at public schools without giving assent to ideological training.

Biden wants to limit freedom on social media, to limit the freedom of employees to work without being forced to join unions, and to restrict independent contractors and part-time workers from plying their trades.

Moving on, Biden said in the ad that he works “to make sure that everyone in this country is treated equally.” Really? His administration tries to apply laws against disfavored protesters (against abortion) who haven’t even come close to breaking those laws, but refuses to enforce laws against favored protesters (supporting abortions) even when they explicitly, unambiguously break those laws. When right-wing protesters interrupt activity in a legislative chamber, Biden’s team prosecutes (not wrongly) even the ones who just wandered rather aimlessly. But when left-wing legislators actually lead protesters in interrupting activity in a legislative chamber, Biden treats them as heroes and invites them to the White House.

The rule is simple: If you agree with Biden, you can do what you want. If you disagree with Biden, he will use the might of government to harass and repress you.

That’s not equal treatment. It’s certainly not “freedom.”

From double standards, Biden then moves into outright lies. He accuses “MAGA extremists” of “cutting Social Security.” Where? When? Who? He doesn’t say. In fact, the one man you can undoubtedly accuse of being the MAGA of all MAGAs, Donald Trump, has campaigned against any changes to Social Security, and no legislation has ever cut existing benefits.

Actually, Biden is the one cutting Social Security. If lawmakers do nothing to reform Social Security — and it is Biden’s position that they must not — then there will be, by law, an immediate 24% cut in benefits when the system goes insolvent ten years from now.

Biden also lies later in the ad when he accuses Republicans of “making it more difficult for you to be able to vote.” Yet vote totals went up across the country in 2020 and 2022, most notably in Georgia, which passed voting laws about which Biden also repeatedly lied, but which turned out to work without a hitch while making increased voter turnout more efficient.

Moving on again: Biden’s ad is replete with images in favor of “abortion rights,” and Biden harps against Republicans “dictating what healthcare decisions women can make.” Yet his administration actively works against pregnancy resource centers that provide a host of non-abortion services to women, offering them choices besides abortion. Biden’s administration, meanwhile, is notoriously inept (or unwilling) to protect those centers from dozens of instances of vandalism, threats, and even fire-bombing attacks.

Biden’s hypocrisy becomes offensive later in the ad. Shortly after saying, “I know we are still a country that believes in honesty and respect and treating each other with dignity … [and] give hate no safe harbor,” the ad features numerous scenes of Biden marching at Alabama’s Edmund Pettus Bridge, front and center with the notorious tax cheat and hatemonger Al Sharpton. Sharpton has a record as a raving antisemite who helped incite deadly attacks on New York Jews and fomented race riots based on lies. If you are for honesty, respect, and opposition to hate, you just don’t embrace Sharpton.

Finally, while this next point leaves the issues of dishonesty and hypocrisy, it’s worth noting what Biden’s announcement ad barely mentions at all: his record on the nation’s economy. And it’s no wonder. Adding trillions of dollars to the national debt while driving persistent inflation to its highest level in 40 years is not a record on which to run for reelection.


Biden’s ad closes with this message: “Let’s finish the job.” If this is how Biden defines his job, then finishing it might just finish our nation.

Thanks, but no thanks.

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