School district prompts parents to enter children’s ‘preferred pronouns’ when registering for kindergarten


Leon County School District website
screenshot of Leon County School District public website Christopher Tremoglie

School district prompts parents to enter children’s ‘preferred pronouns’ when registering for kindergarten

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A school district in Florida prompts parents to list their child’s “preferred pronouns” when registering them for kindergarten. It’s a concerning discovery given the extremely young age of kindergarten students who are unfamiliar with pronouns or mature enough to know anything about gender transitioning. It’s a disturbing revelation showing just how radicalized education officials have become in the country, even in a state like Florida. It should also put parents on high alert throughout the country.

The online parental registration form asking for a kindergartener’s preferred pronouns is from the Leon County School District in Florida. I first became aware of the issue through a social media post and went to confirm its authenticity myself. I went to the district’s webpage and created an account as if I was legitimately registering a student. After being directed to J. Michael Conley Elementary School at Southwood’s webpage, I clicked the link to register. An investigation into the school district’s online parental registration form revealed that, after several other clicks, the page prompted me to enter the child’s “preferred pronouns.”


The request was not part of the website’s mandatory information, and it also appears that the prompt isn’t just for students who are in kindergarten. However, it is inappropriate for such a thing to be on a school portal. Such requests are nothing more than appealing to fringe members of society who are determined to advance radicalized, taboo thinking and try to make it normal.

The radical, left-wing gender ideology brainwashing students in schools throughout the country has caused outrage and quite the controversy recently. Leon County School District’s pronoun prompt is another example of that. This content has no place in schools and does nothing to help educate our nation’s youth. Gender ideology is an absurd propaganda racket and scam with only one purpose: brainwashing today’s students.

“The absurdity of gender ideology in our supposed ‘free’ red state is the same as around the nation,” Florida mother Jenifer Marsh told me. She is the mother of a five-year-old boy and was justifiably baffled when I told her about the online parent portal registration form.


“My son would probably think it’s funny if I told him there were other genders and would laugh at the names. To say this to adults, it’s outrageous, let alone a kindergartener,” Marsh told me. “No kindergartener would understand. I don’t even understand.”

People should listen to mothers like Jenifer Marsh; we need more leaders with her conviction. There is absolutely no reason any parent should be entering pronouns for their children on a school website. There are only two options to choose from because there are only two genders, male and female. Parents must be vigilant and work hard to reject these indoctrination initiatives. The Left has proven they are attempting a vast sociopolitical, cultural revolution. It’s up to parents like Jenifer Marsh to protect society from these radical, left-wing intrusions. Everyone must fight to prevent these attacks on our culture, or there eventually won’t be one left to save.

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