Did everyone on the Left forget about legacy media’s ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ or Covington Catholic lies?



Did everyone on the Left forget about legacy media’s ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ or Covington Catholic lies?

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After the reported settlement between Fox News and Dominion, many pundits, politicians, Hollywood actors, and social media “influencers” took a victory lap this week. In near unison, they gleefully touted that Fox being forced to pay $787 million as part of its settlement with the voting machine company was finally proof that the network was a purveyor of misinformation. If only these people held themselves and their preferred political party to such standards.

Has everyone forgotten when CNN advanced the lie known as “Hands up, don’t shoot?” It was a motto many falsely claimed that Michael Brown said before police officer Darren Wilson shot him. It led to numerous riots throughout the country, destroying many communities and minority-owned small businesses. It caused millions of dollars in damages. Who can forget the famous shot of female CNN panelists sitting at their desks with their “hands up” in misguided solidarity with someone who was ultimately found to have assaulted a police officer? “Hands up, don’t shoot” became a staple of left-wing politics in 2014, all predicated on a lie.


Have we all forgotten about the incident involving Covington Catholic student Nicholas Sandmann? In this case, nearly every legacy media network, talk show host, entertainer, and left-wing “influencer” vilified a teenager as a racist and white supremacist all because he did nothing but smile as he was harassed and confronted by nonwhite protesters at a rally held by the Lincoln Memorial in 2019.

Yet, if anyone listened to the legacy media at the time, one would think Sandmann was the second coming of the Ku Klux Klan. All the media coverage incorrectly portrayed Sandmann as an agitator when he was the victim. The media advanced a lie because it fit their preferred narrative, not the truth.

Undoubtedly, the incident with Dominion is an embarrassment for Fox News. For a network that advertised itself as “fair and balanced,” the settlement showed it was anything but that. It’s an incident that wouldn’t have happened if Fox had been more interested in telling the facts instead of promoting unsubstantiated propaganda. Most of Fox’s base audience wanted to believe the 2020 election was somehow rigged, which is why Trump lost. They didn’t want to believe that Democrats outfoxed and outmaneuvered them, which cost the network a huge chunk of credibility.

That being said, Fox is not alone in being less than truthful with the public. Granted, in my opinion, they were supposed to be the good guys, so to speak, and present the facts that most of the country never heard because of the legacy media’s deceitful ways. However, let’s not act like what Fox did is very different from what left-wing networks do relatively regularly.

Ask Darren Wilson or Nicholas Sandmann about the legacy media’s fairness, honesty, and trustworthiness.


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