Philadelphia mayoral candidate claims drag queens are under attack


Facebook Drag Queens
Drag queens from left, Lil Ms. Hot Mess, Sister Roma and Heklina take turns speaking about their battle with Facebook during a news conference at City Hall Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2014, in San Francisco, Calif. San Francisco drag queens are sparring with Facebook over its policy requiring people to use their real names, rather than drag names such as Pollo Del Mar and Heklina. In recent weeks, Facebook has been deleting the profiles of self-described drag queens and other performers who use stage names because they did not comply with the social networking site’s requirement that users go by their “real names” on the site. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg) Eric Risberg

Philadelphia mayoral candidate claims drag queens are under attack

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Philadelphia has enough problems with rampant poverty, a corrupt city government, soaring gun violence, and homicides. These are real issues that need resolutions; people’s lives depend on them. So, it’s particularly concerning when some of the city’s Democratic mayoral candidates focus on make-believe nonissues solely to appeal to radical LGBT enthusiasts. One of the Democrats running for mayor, Rebecca Rhynhart, former city controller, tweeted that “drag queens are under attack.”

This is how foolish politics have become in the city and, sadly, the country. Politicians are making false declarations of endangerment about men who dress up as women and perform raunchy and bawdy acts for a living. It’s a gross display of political fearmongering and hysteria but the kind of political hyperbole that Democrats use to drum up political support.


“Drag performers are under attack. But in Philly, we stand with you,” Rhynhart tweeted. “No matter how you express yourself, I will always fight for your right to live in a city where all of us have the opportunity to thrive!”

None of this is true, of course. Drag queens are not “under attack.” Parents are just protesting about having such sexually charged, inappropriate entertainers performing lewd, perverted acts in places where there are children. No one, or at least the overwhelming majority, is against drag queen shows. There aren’t any known widespread campaigns to prohibit them from performing in front of adults. They just don’t want them around young children.

And, in case anyone might be confused, parents are in the right on this. Based on her tweet, it appears she supports drag queens in front of children because that’s the only reason they are “under attack.” Drag queens existed for years, and there wasn’t any national outrage over them until they performed in front of young children. Suffice it to say, encouraging such a thing is disturbing. This is what makes Rhynhart’s tweet disappointing and highly concerning.

Just like it would be inappropriate for exotic dancers to perform in front of children, so too are drag queens. They don’t get an exception to perform mature content in front of children simply because the performers are predominantly from the LGBT community. No one should support such lewd and lascivious behavior. And anyone who does surely isn’t qualified to be mayor.


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