There could be many violent reactions to transgenderism’s collapse
David Freddoso
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The message of transgenderism is that a man can become a woman (or vice versa) simply by force of will or perhaps by putting on certain effeminate affectations or having certain surgeries. This message — so long as it is not forced on children — is harmful but not violent per se.
The violence comes as a result of the one and only persuasive argument for transgenderism, which runs roughly as follows: “If you don’t agree with me about this, then I’m going to kill myself.”
If you have been courageous enough to debate this issue at all, then you have encountered this “argument.” Perhaps it is not your interlocutor personally threatening suicide, but rather making the threat on behalf of millions of youth who will supposedly (no evidence for this, but fine) kill themselves unless they are immediately affirmed in what are probably just fleeting gender confusions through irreversible surgical and hormone treatments.
So what to make of this argument? I think this is all you need to know: If a friend ever says to you in real life, “If you don’t do X, then I’ll kill myself,” please call the police immediately and get that person help. Even without a professional diagnosis, such a statement is ipso facto proof of mental illness and makes clear that the person speaking is a danger to himself and probably to others as well.
With respect to the personal and proxy suicide threats that comprise the defense of transgender ideology, there’s probably no need to call the police. But if you really love someone, you do not need to affirm the delusions that are driving her to the brink of suicide — or perhaps to the brink of shooting up a school. Emotional blackmail is not an argument but a form of psychological terrorism inflicted by unbalanced people. They need help, and this is one case where “affirmation” is the exact opposite of help.
Unfortunately, as a nation, Americans have been cowed in recent years from providing the real help that only truth and love can provide. To reinforce the blackmail, a social and corporate-media-imposed political correctness has prevented people from doing the right thing when they hear someone say something so crazy. Instead of speaking the truth — or at least refusing to have their opinions formed by emotional blackmail — even people of goodwill became too afraid to contradict such obviously self-contradictory dogmatic statements as “trans women are women.” Ideas that no sane person can accept now or ever — that men can be pregnant, that men and women are interchangeable in sports, or that violent rapists with penises belong in women’s prisons or even in girls’ high school locker rooms because they now identify as female — became articles of faith, from which any dissent or deviation was by definition bigoted and deserving of full cancellation of one’s person.
Perhaps now the culture is finally coming around to the point where people can at last tell the truth again. That yes, men and women are different based on science. That it is not a social construct. That it isn’t a choice or an identity but a property of nouns and adjectives in European languages. That yes, women deserve their private spaces, and no, Lia Thomas is not a woman.
Unfortunately, however, there’s going to be a snag here. Millions of people, well-meaning and weak-minded, have been indoctrinated or forced by fear to accept the idea that even simply telling such truths to those unwilling to hear them is violence, or even that such truth-telling represents an attempt to make other people commit suicide. And perhaps it’s only one in ten thousand, but some of these people will get very dark ideas because of the brainwashing they have undergone.
In short, there are going to be some genuinely violent responses to the reimposition of reality. The latest example of this might have just occurred in Nashville, where a female shooter identifying as male deliberately targeted innocent children at a Christian school. She has left behind a manifesto, so we will probably learn more in the days to come with respect to whether and how badly she had been indoctrinated to hate Christians.
Either way, prominent transgender activists are known for using threatening rhetoric against public officials on social media. And after the recent legislation in Tennessee to protect children from mutilation, some transgender activists called for a “Trans Day of Vengeance” specifically against Tennessee. (Congratulations?)
So it is important now to get this out of the way: no, you do not get to choose your sex, and you don’t get to be violent about it toward others. No one can make you commit suicide, and no one is trying to make you do so. That is just a line fed to you by ideologues who did not love you enough to tell you the truth and who probably helped you get closer to suicide and violence toward others.
There is nothing wrong with having confusion about your sex. It happens to almost everyone at some point. If the transitions from boy to man and from girl to woman were simple, then 80% to 90% of the world’s literature would never have been written over the last 4,000 years.
But the difficulties involved in growing up do not entitle you to force your fellow man (or woman) to say that 2+2=5, that men can be women, or that any other false thing is true.
Don’t worry. Do not harm or kill yourself over facts that disturb you. Rather, find a way to accept, love, and improve yourself, the way everyone else has had to do throughout humanity’s entire history.