The Stormy Daniels story is a lot of things, but it’s primarily a reminder of how unfit Trump is


President Trump and Stormy Daniels
In 2016, evangelicals faced a dilemma that had no moral or easy way out. (AP)

The Stormy Daniels story is a lot of things, but it’s primarily a reminder of how unfit Trump is

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There are a lot of different ways to react to the rumors that former President Donald Trump is about to be indicted. Because we have a 24/7 media and endless content, every single possible reaction will be expressed these days, and there is room for all of them.

Commentators can and should remark on the strength or weakness of the case, the likelihood of victory, the likely response from Trump’s supporters, the likely response from swing voters, the effects on the GOP primary, the media coverage, the Democratic hypocrisy on extramarital affairs, the Democratic hypocrisy on overzealous prosecution, Michael Cohen’s perfidy, and many other angles.


One relevant question is: What is the primary story here?

There are a couple of ways to approach that question.

I like to start when discerning what the primary story is by asking, “Who in this story most owes an accounting to the reading public?”

Obviously, an overreaching prosecutor often fits that bill. But in this case, we have a higher-profile figure seeking public trust: the former president of the United States who is running to be the next president of the United States.

As long as Trump is seeking the GOP nomination for president, and has a very good chance of winning that nomination, the primary story is that Trump, as part of a lifelong pattern of infidelity and dishonesty, cheated on his wife with a porn star and paid hush money to cover it up during his presidential campaign.

This is the primary story because Trump wants Republican voters to entrust him with their party’s banner in the 2024 presidential election.


But the Stormy Daniels story, along with telling us stuff about Democrats, prosecutors, the media, and Cohen, reminds us that the former president is dishonest, untrustworthy, and amoral. It reminds us that he has spent his life flouting the standards and norms that conservatives believe are essential to a functioning culture. And to the extent he was complicit in paying the hush money out of company funds, it reminds us that Trump believes that everything over which he has authority is something he has the right to use for his sole benefit.

So yes, we can discuss the finer points and the secondary stories here, but let’s not forget the primary story: Trump is utterly unfit to be president, and the Republican Party should be embarrassed to have him as its head.

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