Yes, public health officials did deliberately make your life worse


Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and chief medical adviser to the president, testifies before a Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee hearing. (Greg Nash/AP)

Yes, public health officials did deliberately make your life worse

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Joe Walsh, the former radio host and congressman who went from mindless MAGA drone to mindless Resistance grifter, wants to know if you really think that public health bureaucrats purposely made people’s lives worse during the pandemic.

The answer is a resounding yes. And you do not have to look very hard to find the proof.


Walsh has chosen to peddle the same idea from the Atlantic’s article about “pandemic amnesty.” “We simply didn’t know better” is the mantra of the (mostly liberal) pundits who wish to absolve themselves of pandemic failures. Walsh is carrying the same mantra forward, using similar excuses: “It was a once in a lifetime pandemic. Of course mistakes were going to be made.”

Those precious scientists and public health officials “did their best,” he argues. They were only stunningly incompetent in the face of a generational pandemic, according to Walsh, which is hardly a good defense.

But Walsh’s insistence that no one could believe that public health officials purposely made things worse for people in their everyday lives doesn’t match what we actually saw from public health officials.

While those officials shut down schools and businesses and encouraged people to cancel family gatherings and holidays, dozens of public health experts signed a letter asserting that protesting against “white supremacy” was more important than slowing the spread. According to these experts (emphasis added), “White supremacy is a lethal public health issue that predates and contributes to COVID-19.”

So yes, they said that not protesting against police would make COVID-19 worse. That incoherent, anti-science position must be public health officials “doing their best.”

This meant that left-wing “defund the police” protests, hundreds of which became violent riots, were given the stamp of approval by our public health bureaucracy, all while everyday people were losing their jobs, their businesses, and years of their children’s education. This was a deliberate decision made by public health officials to place their own politics above the well-being of everyone else, meaning that the other “necessary” measures they promoted were, in fact, completely arbitrary. For how can school closures possibly be justified when protests are deemed necessary to fight against COVID-19?

Even without the protests, the targeting of schools is another clear example. It was already evident by summer 2020 that children were not at serious risk from COVID-19 and that they belonged in school in person. Failure rates climbed among children with virtual “learning,” as they were permanently set back academically, emotionally, and socially by school closures that public health officials demanded without justification.


That was, again, a purposeful decision that made people’s lives worse for no discernible public health benefit. The evidence was right in front of everyone, and yet school closures and restrictions continued through 2020 into 2021, 2022, and even this year. The evidence was too clear for this to be a result of incompetence.

This all rests on the public health bureaucracy, and every bit of the criticism is merited. Yes, they did purposefully make people’s lives worse because they were ruled by politics, not public health. The public health bureaucracy does not deserve the benefit of the doubt. It deserves to be torn down and rebuilt, with everyone involved in school closures and protest endorsements to be cast out of their roles immediately.

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