University chancellor spreads misinformation about Charlie Kirk ‘advocating for violence against transgender people’


Charlie Kirk
Charlie Kirk attends Politicon at The Pasadena Convention Center on Saturday, Aug. 29, 2017, in Pasadena, Calif. (Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Invision/AP) (Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Invision/AP)

University chancellor spreads misinformation about Charlie Kirk ‘advocating for violence against transgender people’

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Earlier this week, at the University of California, Davis, Charlie Kirk, founder and CEO of Turning Point USA, gave a speech as part of an event organized by the group’s registered chapter at the school. Kirk’s presence drew the ire of many and led to a not-so-peaceful protest by antifa. Gary S. May, the university’s Chancellor, released a video beforehand to address Kirk’s scheduled appearance and claimed that Kirk advocated for “violence against transgender people.” Yet May’s claim was entirely untrue; Kirk never said such a thing.

“Many of you have reached out to me and others regarding tonight’s event organized by the registered student organization Turning Point USA or TPUSA at UC Davis,” May said in the video. “Thank you for sharing your distress at a student group hosting a speaker who is a well-documented proponent of misinformation and hate and who has advocated for violence against transgender individuals.”

If the things Charlie Kirk said are indeed so bad, why would Chancellor May have to make false accusations? In his position of authority over students, and given the political climate in this country, he has a responsibility to tell the truth — and not just appease left-wing ideological sycophants. May’s baseless inflammatory rhetoric does nothing but unnecessarily stoke division, fear, and hatred. He has a duty to protect his students, not endanger them.

As a result, antifa showed up and caused quite a bit of chaos. Reportedly, the extremist organization threw eggs and used pepper spray on people attending the event. Additionally, the left-wing agitators broke windows, vandalized a university building, and attacked one police officer during its “demonstration.” Local police arrested two suspects.

But antifa’s presence was to be expected. The real problem was Chancellor May. Charlie Kirk never “advocated for violence against transgender individuals” — let alone any people.

Yet, May promulgated this claim without having any proof.

I attempted to contact the chancellor for clarification. I mentioned there was no record of Kirk ever advocating for violence against transgender people and asked for the source of his assertion. My request for comment went unanswered.

It went unanswered because May cannot support this accusation with any evidence. He is a radical left-wing academician who cares more about indoctrinating than educating. His statement is the latest example of the dangerous, radical left-wing brainwashing students regularly face on college campuses. Only in academia are people forced to pay tens of thousands of dollars to educators promulgating falsehoods and other inflammatory rhetoric.

Furthermore, it should be noted that by falsely accusing Kirk of advocating violence, May did the very same thing he accused Kirk of doing — spreading misinformation and hate. It is a sin for which May should be held accountable. Yet, even though it has been days since his false statement, there has not been any retraction or apology from May. Neither has the school. He was allowed to lie and spread fear.

It is also telling that May didn’t condemn in any way the people who actually did bring violence to the campus — antifa. For all his warnings and hyperbolic, inflammatory propaganda surrounding Kirk, May was conspicuously silent about the unnecessary violence caused by antifa. Unfortunately, these inconsistencies and double standards are typical of the Left.


At a place supposed to be for higher learning and exchanging ideas, people like May and universities such as UC Davis only truly welcome those who adhere to like-minded beliefs. They have repeatedly shown a Soviet-style commitment to suppress dissenting viewpoints. They create hysteria to try to silence opposition; it is the impetus for how the Left operates.

If UC Davis had integrity, it would hold Chancellor Gary S. May accountable for promoting false propaganda and inflammatory rhetoric. But they won’t. They welcome misinformation when it supports their agenda.

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