March 14 is the date of one of the largest single mass lynchings in American history


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March 14 is the date of one of the largest single mass lynchings in American history

Democrats have emphasized the necessity to teach all of history in our country’s schoolrooms. It’s the product of left-wing propaganda to justify the existence of toxic ideologies such as critical race theory or much of the historical fiction associated with things such as the 1619 Project. However, I agree with their claims — not so much their curricula. We should be teaching all of history in our schools, and one event that should be taught is what happened in New Orleans on March 14, 1891.

On this date, the largest single mass lynching in American history occurred, in which 11 Italian Americans and immigrants were killed. It’s a topic rarely discussed in history classes or contemporary culture. There isn’t any widespread media coverage that discusses this date or the lynching. There aren’t any statements by presidents or members of Congress. The date is usually brushed aside, and the events are typically not acknowledged in any way. Why? My guess would be because the victims were Italian, who are considered white, and such victims don’t fit into the left-wing narrative of our country’s alleged evil, white supremacy past.


The victims were targeted because of their Italian ethnicity. It was believed throughout the city that a local police chief was killed due to mafia connections. However, most of the Italian Americans indicted for the crime were acquitted at a trial the day before the lynching. Anti-Italian sentiment and hysteria motivated a mob to break into a jail where the accused were and “dragged the prisoners from their cells, and lynched them.” The men responsible for the lynching were never charged, and the media coverage of it was mainly positive.

Some have claimed the incident was an act of vigilantism as retaliation for the police chief’s death and belief that the jury of the trial was compromised through bribes by the mafia. However, no such proof existed, and such a view exemplified the anti-Italian sentiment at the time. It’s this discriminatory act that had the victims not been Italian, but instead people of color, it would be taught in schools and repeatedly mentioned.

In 2019, LaToya Cantrell, the mayor of New Orleans, issued an apology for the lynching.

“New Orleans is a welcoming city … But there remain serious and dark chapters to our shared story that remain untold and unaccounted for,” Cantrell said.

One of the bloodiest acts of bigotry and discrimination in our country’s history is never taught or mentioned because the victims were not a particular race. It’s another example of left-wing indoctrination in the country’s education system. The Left prefers talking points and agenda-driven narratives instead of teaching actual history.


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