‘Super Bowl Monday’ could replace Columbus Day on the calendar as a holiday


020416 Super Bowl Numbers pic
The Denver Broncos face off against the Carolina Panthers at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, Calif. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip) David J. Phillip

‘Super Bowl Monday’ could replace Columbus Day on the calendar as a holiday

Super Bowl Monday” has become an unofficial holiday for people in the country. Many skip work to “recover” from the festivities of the country’s premier sporting event, the Super Bowl. It is estimated that nearly 19 million people in the workforce will miss work Monday. That total increases to almost 27 million when considering those who plan to report to work late. As a result, some Democrats have proposed making the day an official holiday — in exchange for removing Columbus Day from the calendar.

Democrat State Rep. Joe Towns Jr. and State Sen. London Lamar have proposed bills in each of their chambers to make “Super Bowl Monday” a state holiday. In exchange, to keep the number of paid days off on the calendar the same, they suggested eliminating Columbus Day. The bills, known as HB1463 in the House and SB1344 in the Senate, would designate the first Monday after the Super Bowl as a legal holiday and would go into effect immediately if passed.


“AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 15-1-101, relative to legal holiday,” reads the bill. “Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 15-1-101, is amended by deleting the language ‘the second Monday in October, known as Columbus Day’;’ and by inserting the language ‘the first Monday after the Super Bowl, known as ‘Super Bowl Monday’;’ immediately following the language ‘Washington Day’;’.”

In addition to being an offensive slight because of Columbus’s cultural significance to many Italians around the country, it’s yet another left-wing Democrat attack on our nation’s established history.

“While Italian Americans across the country have seen Columbus Day dismantled in favor of a holiday to honor Native American heritage, this proposal in Tennessee is perhaps more hurtful in the sense that it compares the importance of giving Italian Americans an opportunity to celebrate their culture to the importance of giving NFL fans an opportunity to sleep in until 11:00 AM and get a day off work to digest chicken wings,” declared Stopantiitalianism, an Instagram account dedicated to anti-Italianism discrimination.

The Left dangling paid time off for “Super Bowl Monday” as a metaphorical carrot appeal to the country’s hedonistic pursuits over historical pride and patriotism. But, given the attacks on Columbus in recent years, and the devaluing of his importance, many don’t hold him in high regard.


The Left knows they could gain enough support to have more people value having off for “Super Bowl Monday” instead of Columbus Day. From a political viewpoint, it’s a savvy tactic.

However, it’s indicative of the Left’s aggressive efforts to discredit Western Civilization and reshape culture. It goes beyond a day set aside to honor the explorer who discovered the Western Hemisphere to the civilized European world and forever changed world history. The Left hates everything Western Civilization represents, and they’ll never stop trying to destroy it in any way they can.

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