Media menstruation meltdown: Florida does normal thing. Liberal journalists lose their minds.


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Media menstruation meltdown: Florida does normal thing. Liberal journalists lose their minds.

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Did you hear about the latest evil thing from Ron DeSantis? (More like Ron De Satan, amirite?)

Why does DeSantis want to know about your daughter’s period? Is he some sort of pervert? This is typical ReTHUGlican invasion of women’s privacy. This is clearly anti-transgender bigotry right?

Actually, it’s fairly standard for school systems to ask girls about their menstruation on the health forms student-athletes have to fill out.

For instance, here’s the New York City form.

Here’s San Francisco’s.

Those are just the first two liberal cities I thought of in liberal states. I searched for their required student-athlete forms online, and sure enough, they ask the exact same questions the new Florida form asks. This is normal. Maybe it shouldn’t be, I don’t know, but it isn’t odd that Florida would require this information — New York and San Francisco do, as do plenty of other cities and states.

What’s going on here is that liberals and journalists are freaking out because of partisanship combined with ignorance. That’s the charitable interpretation. The less charitable interpretation is that they are lying to their readers, trying to make their readers dumber.

It is very frustrating to see our news media try to make Americans dumber, but it is also amazing to watch Ron DeSantis’s magic powers. One of his strengths is that he gets the media to attack him for absolutely everything.

Do you remember during COVID when MSNBC attacked him for prioritizing the elderly in his very successful vaccine push?

It makes the media look very dumb. This is valuable to DeSantis, in the same way it was very valuable to Donald Trump. One of the things Trump’s voters elected him to do was punch CNN in the face, which he did regularly.

DeSantis doesn’t even have to do the punching. He just does normal things and good things, and the news media punch themselves in the face.

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