Why don’t Minnesota Democrats care about the lives of babies?


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With all the outcry, the pro-life feminist group was quickly removed in what organizers called "an error" for allowing them to join the march in the first place. The pro-life group plans to attend anyway, and I hope with their pro-life, pro-women signs in tow. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Why don’t Minnesota Democrats care about the lives of babies?

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The Minnesota Senate voted on a bill that allows abortions in the third trimester. The bill, known as the Protect Reproductive Options Act, was barely approved, squeaking through by one vote, 34-33. Previously, it passed along party lines in the House, 69-65. The PRO Act would codify abortion rights in the state. It now heads to Gov. Tim Walz (D), where it is expected to be approved and signed.

Late-term abortion is not popular. A large majority rejects the idea that it should even be legal. After last week’s vote, many people should be asking, why don’t Minnesota Democrats care about the lives of babies?


“A bill for an act relating to health; establishing a fundamental right to reproductive health; proposing coding for new law in the Minnesota Statutes,” the bill reads. “For purposes of this section, ‘reproductive health care’ means health care offered, arranged, or furnished for the purpose of preventing pregnancy, terminating a pregnancy, managing pregnancy loss, or improving maternal health and birth outcomes.”

Republicans and pro-life advocates have labeled the bill one of the most extreme in the country. Republicans in the legislature tried to add amendments and restrictions that limited abortions during the third trimester, but to no avail. This now means that Minnesota Democrats support killing a fetus that can “see and hear,” has a developing brain and maturing kidney and lungs, a heartbeat, can “suck its thumb and has the ability to cry,” and is typically over 15 inches long.

“Today we are not codifying Roe v. Wade or Doe v. Gomez,” Republican state Senate Minority Leader Mark Johnson said. “We are enacting the most extreme bill in the country regarding youth sterilization, late-term abortions, and public liability for a vast array of reproductive services.”

Democrats claimed the bill was necessary to protect the fundamental right “to make autonomous decisions about the individual’s own reproductive health.” However, is it genuinely “autonomous” if another person’s life is sacrificed as a result?


All humans are created equal and have the right to life. The PRO Act squashes that right. And despite claims to the contrary, the main reason behind this was so that people could enjoy sexual promiscuity. All the claims over all those years that nobody uses abortion as birth control have pretty much been eviscerated by pro-abortion campaigners’ arguments in response to the overturning of Roe.

Everyone who supports abortion today has benefited from the choice of a mother who didn’t have one. The killing of human persons is not healthcare. The law cannot abide by assertions of any “fundamental right” to extinguish life.

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