Keith Olbermann wants to kill babies, so he wants to get Tony Dungy fired


Keith Olbermann
In this Oct. 24, 2011 file photo, political pundit Keith Olbermann leaves a taping of the "Late Show with David Letterman," in New York. (Charles Sykes/AP)

Keith Olbermann wants to kill babies, so he wants to get Tony Dungy fired

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MSNBC has-been Keith Olbermann continuously does things that make many believe he is truly the “worst person in the world.”

That’s the name of his book, in case you weren’t one of the few people who have read it. His latest antics involve trying to rid NBC Sports of well-respected former NFL coach Tony Dungy. Dungy’s crime? Having an opinion opposite of Olbermann’s infanticidal maniac’s views on killing babies is apparently intolerable, based on his reaction.


Olbermann was irate that one of the greatest football coaches of this century would be speaking at the 2023 March for Life in Washington, D.C., last week. Anyone expressing beliefs that run opposite to the Left’s should have any opportunities in the country, according to people like Olbermann. He took to Twitter to throw what amounts to an adult temper tantrum and demand NBC fire Dungy.

“Dear @nbcsports – if you have any remaining concern for your operational reputation, fire Tony Dungy now,” Olbermann tweeted. “He is using you.”

And just in case Olbermann’s tweet wasn’t clear the first time, he followed it up with another one, again calling for Dungy to lose his job.

“Now, @nbcsports. Get rid of @Tony Dungy,” Olbermann tweeted. “He’s gone off the deep end.”

Gone off the deep end? That’s a very interesting choice of words for someone like Olbermann, whose career history could be defined by the phrase “goes off the deep end.” He’s routinely embarrassed himself and has been relentlessly mocked and ridiculed for his radical babbling and antics. Suffice it to say, Dungy did not lose his job, nor is he in jeopardy of such a thing happening.

Incidentally, Olbermann had previously listed Dungy as his “worst person in sports” in 2014 after the coach stated he wouldn’t have drafted openly gay player Michael Sam because he thought Sam’s sexual orientation would be too much of a distraction. Of course, Dungy’s comments were categorized as “homophobic” at the time. Yet Dungy was somewhat vindicated because the attention and scrutiny surrounding Sam never aligned with his production on the field. Sam never made an NFL roster.

Dungy is allowed to speak at the March for Life and openly advocate the end of abortion. It’s his right as an American to speak out about a grave societal ill. No one should be offended by the idea of not killing babies before they are born. Everyone deserves the right to live. And that right, and only that right, is what Dungy and the hundreds of thousands of people who showed up at the march celebrated. It shouldn’t be controversial in any way that he has a perfectly mainstream, and perfectly scientific, view about abortion being wrong because it takes a human life.

In Olbermann’s world, as is true for many on the Left, only people who support left-wing causes should have employment. Everyone else should die. Dungy’s advocacy for the unborn is too much of an issue for Olbermann’s unhinged totalitarian mind to handle.


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